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<br />There is a core group of patrons who rely on self-checkout. Physical circulation is up to 136,000 <br />while eBook circulation is 4,000 a month. A nice feature about Overdrive is it also includes <br />magazines. However, print is in sad shape. <br /> <br />In Adult Services they removed 2,500 titles out of adult fiction collection. They run reports that <br />look at titles that have not circulated in three years. They see if the book is worth keeping if it is <br />a classic, or sometimes it was a replacement copy, or maybe a book is damaged. On town <br />cleanup day the staff went through the music CDs. We are going to get hoopla, Boston Public <br />Library has it. Hoopla has eBooks, movies, music, magazines, etc. You access through an e- <br />library card through BPL and register for Hoopla. You can borrow up to 10 titles a month. We <br />will look at pricing. You can set it up to not exceed say $2000/mo. You can also cap the number <br />of checkouts and see how much it costs doing it that way. If we are not going to be doing music <br />and spending money on CD’s, this is the way to get music and quicker. The goal is to get it by <br />April for the library’s birthday. <br /> <br />Ms. Nickerson inquired about a tutorial session. Ms. Mahoney noted they could have staff do <br />drop-in hours or schedule private sessions. It’s hard to do a session because everyone is at a <br />different place, pace, and using different devices. A tutorial would be helpful so people can <br />watch it. <br /> <br />Collections will be moved around; fiction will be moved to where the audio books were. Groups <br />of books will be kept in one place, like Harlan Coban and James Patterson. The Library of <br />Things like puzzles, DVD, and CD players are being cataloged. <br /> <br />The Mass Memories Road Show was slated to take place right before Covid, and they got shut <br />down. It did not get back up for a while and then they were back logged two years. They cannot <br />find the Mashpee materials, we had a date set and everything, there is no copy of the <br />application. <br /> <br />They are making Book Club kits. Adult programming is being worked on. There was a concert <br />in February, Peking and the Mystics, a group of four men singing acapella, and people loved it. <br />Jane Scarborough will be here in April and they will be having an advanced sewing class. There <br />, <br />was a legislative event on January 262024, Julian Cyr was sponsoring a Bill to protect the <br />libraries during ban on books. <br /> <br />The stained-glass of the Town Seal by Meredith Harris is hanging outside the Children’s Room <br />in the Lobby. There was discussion about holding a reception so the Cultural Council can come <br />and she would really like to tell the story. <br /> <br />There were problems with the ventilation system in January. It is back in working order now. <br />Proactive measures were taken to repair a part that was broken. <br /> <br />3 <br /> <br /> <br />