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i <br /> ■ <br /> F - <br /> + � <br /> RECEIVED <br /> SIS FINANCE COMMITTEE MINUTES <br /> JIMY 9 19 9 6 <br /> M ASH Er. <br /> METINGoMMEC ' . M <br /> Finance Committee members present: Sid Golub, Chai=n; Alec-Watt; <br /> Mike Kumin and Tony Gallo. Dan Goggin and Juan Ba igalupi were <br /> unable to attend* The meetiLng was held at the Carol Jacobson <br /> Senior Center. <br /> Please note for the record that once the Minutes are approved, the <br /> audio tape will be reused. <br /> mutes <br /> Tony Gallo Motioned to app rove' the Minutes of June 11, 1996 a <br /> written. Mike Kumin seconded the Motion and members approved <br /> unanimously --o . <br /> Contract Negotiations <br /> Mr. Golub asked if members had an opportunity to review the letter <br /> which Mr. Whritenour had provided the previous week? fir Watt <br /> mentioned that he did not. find it very helpful . Mr. Kumin asked <br /> why the Finance Committee wants to be involved wi-th these <br /> negotiations Mr. Gallo felt that the Finance Committee should be <br /> .involved in everything. He feels that it is their re ponsaL ility <br /> to the citizens of this Town. Mr. Kumin asked if they should be <br /> involved in everything when the Town has the Board of Selectmen and <br /> the Executive Secretary involved He asked what the Finance <br /> Committee can add? Mr. Gallo felt that the Finance Cottee is <br /> responsible for the taxpayers, money. Mr, Golub felt that the <br /> Board of Selectmen is a political group and it can be very awkward <br /> for them. It was Mr. Golub' s opinion that the Finance Committee is <br /> one step removed from that and can take a position that is more <br /> objective. Mr. Golub mentioned that hi's presence at the School <br /> Department' s negotiations was very be of ficial,, and it was his <br /> objectiveness that helped them get as far as they had. Mr. Watt <br /> believed that the Flo nance Committee should be involved right from <br /> the begirmi g. Mr. Golub mentioned the pending petition to have a <br /> Finance Committee member act as an ex officio member of the <br /> negotiating team. Mr. Kumin then asked why it is that the Board of <br /> Selectmen do not want the Finance Committee involved? Mr. Golub <br /> answered that it was only his opinion, but that the Selectmen may <br /> feel that their power is being threatened or that the Finance <br /> Committee may disrupt negotiations . Mr. Golub did mention that the <br /> Finance Committee does have to get involved at some point t <br /> recommend or not recommend, <br /> Mr. Golub mentioned that this matter should be part of their <br /> monthly mews issue. Mr. Kumin stated that he still believed a <br /> point meeting with the Selectmen would be beneficial . It would <br /> help to iron certain things out. Mr. Watt mentioned that as a <br />