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i <br /> RECEIVED <br /> MASHPER FINANCE COMMITTEE MINUTES. 1. <br /> ' x <br /> i � <br /> AUG <br /> - � <br /> JULY 23r 1996 TOWN CLERK <br /> 1 AS <br /> MEETING COMMENCED AT 7 .o o P ! ,f <br /> Finance Comnuttee members present : Sid Golub, Chairman; Alec 'watt; <br /> Mike Kumin DanGoggin; Juan Bacigalupi and Tony Gallo, The <br /> meetinq was held at the Caro, Jacobson Senior Center. <br /> Please note for the record that once the Minutes are approved,. the <br /> audio tape will be reused. <br /> X-n to <br /> Alec watt Mo J'Loued to approve the Mi'nut of June 25, 1996 as <br /> written. Mr. Bacigalupi seconded the Motion and members approved <br /> 5-0, Mr, Gallo. abstaining. Mr. Kumin Motioned to approve the <br /> Minutes of July 9, 199-6 as written. Mr. watt seconded the Motion <br /> and members approved 4-0,, Mr. Bacigalupi and Mr, Goggia abstaining <br /> Warrant Art i d l e s. <br /> The Committee discussed the articles which they. intend to submit <br /> to be placed- on the October Warrant . The first article asks that <br /> $1 .5 million be transferred from Available funds to reduce the x' 97 <br /> tax rate. Mr. watt mentioned including the wording "Free Cash" . <br /> Mr. Golub responded that "Ftee Cash" would remain "'Free Cash" <br /> unless the Finance Committee elected to do- something with it . The <br /> Committee was ire agreement that $1.5 million was the appropriate <br /> amount to be included in the article. Mr. Bacigalupi lotloned to <br /> approve the submi'ssion of Article I as written, Mr. watt se onded <br /> the Motion and members approved 6-0 . Mr. Golub will -submit the <br /> article as written. <br /> The second article will amend Article VII of the Mashpee Code. <br /> This charge would amend the Capital Improvement Committee . M . <br /> Ku in asked how erta i'n department heads would f eel about the <br /> change's Mr. Bac igalup i mentioned that most department heads are <br /> not min favor of changing. Mr. Golub informed the Comittee that, <br /> in his- opi'n on, the Fire Chief had circumvented the CIP in his <br /> request for the Stations renovcta-on and went straight to the <br /> Board of Selectmen. The Chief w �`'remanded back to the CIF and <br /> told to look into a South sub-station. Mr. Kumin then asked why <br /> the Moderator should be responsible for appointments . Mr. Golub <br /> felt that the Moderator has an aura of objectivity. Mr-. watt <br /> agreed, but felt that the proposed. ordi g cuts the Selectmen out <br /> rather than removing power from department heads. solely. Mr. watt <br /> recon ended including the Selectmen. The Conhittee agreed that the <br /> Finance e C mmit.tee should have two appointments and that the. <br /> Selectmen should also have two. Mr. watt also felt there should be <br /> a residency requireme t . Mr. Bacigalupi also mentioned a date the <br /> appointments would become effective. The Committee agreed on July <br /> 11 1997 . After much discussion and some changes to the wording <br />