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Recycling Committee <br /> October 28, 2015 Minutes <br /> Members Present: June Levy, Sheldon Gilbert, Marion Baker, Glen Harrington (Health) <br /> Others: Rodney Collins, Town Manager <br /> Catherine Laurent, DPW <br /> A quorum being present,the meeting was called to order at 3:00 p.m.. <br /> Minutes <br /> The minutes of the September 9, 2015 meeting were approved. <br /> Waste Management Committee Update <br /> The Recycling Committee reviewed the recommendations being considered by the Waste <br /> Management Committee. The Recycling Committee initially recommended to the Town that <br /> PAYT be implemented over 4 years ago. The Recycling Committee noted that in the 4 years <br /> that Sandwich has operated a PAYT program in Sandwich,they have reduced their trash by <br /> close to 50%, saving their town over$400,000. The Committee has also recommended that the <br /> Transfer Station be made an Enterprise Fund with users paying 100% of the operational costs. <br /> It is unlikely that the Waste Management Committee will recommend implementation of a <br /> PAYT program or an Enterprise Fund. Their proposed 5 40-gallon bag limit maybe better than <br /> no limit but the Recycling Committee does not foresee any significant reduction in trash <br /> tonnage as a result. <br /> The Recycling Committee questioned why a member from their committee was not appointed <br /> to participate on the Waste Management Committee but at this time, it is too late in the <br /> process to include them. The Waste Management Committee is expected to finalize their <br /> recommendations in December. <br /> The Town Manager agreed that he does not see the PAYT moving forward at this time. He did <br /> note that Brewster also has implemented PAYT with savings to a significant number of <br /> households. <br /> Catherine noted that the FY16 permit sales are lower than last year. The individual permit cost <br /> will have to increase even with the 25%tax "subsidy." <br /> The Recycling Committee discussed increasing permit fees immediately but with the incentive <br /> that they would be reduced if residents voluntarily reduced trash tonnage. The Committee <br /> discussed how high the fee would need to be to cause a change in behavior. <br />