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f <br /> ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE <br /> MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 28, 1995 <br /> Members Present: Paul Reynolds, Steve Innis, Ted Lewis . <br /> Also present: Wayne Duchemin, E.D. Coordinator <br /> The meeting was called to order at 7 : 05 p.m. by Vice Chair Paul <br /> Reynolds who chaired the meeting in Sid Stern' s absence. <br /> The Minutes of February 14, 1995 were accepted with the following <br /> addition to page 2 : Steve Innis reported that he has continued <br /> with the distribution of the "Guidebook" to the Mashpee Real <br /> Estate firms and is very near completing this task. <br /> The Minutes of February 21 , 1995 were accepted with the <br /> correction of said date. <br /> Joanne Ferragamo, Chairperson of the 125th Anniversary Committee, <br /> distributed a calendar of 1995 events. Ms. Ferragamo reviewed <br /> the activities being planned starting in March. She noted the <br /> award winning logo on the letterhead and is asking businesses <br /> in Mashpee to use the logo and the 125th Anniversary theme. <br /> There are commemorative items available for sale such as mugs, <br /> postcards, sweatshirts, and a book by the Historical Commission. <br /> There is an info center set up with a phone to receive orders. <br /> Ms. Ferragamo stated that this event received a budget of $38 , 000 <br /> and all proceeds go toward reimbursing the Town. Paul <br /> recommended sending the calendar to the local hotels, motels , <br /> and B&B' s on the Cape to draw interest from tourists. Ted <br /> recommended contacting John O'Brien at the Cape Cod Economic <br /> Development Council for marketing support. Wayne suggested <br /> setting up a booth at the County Fair and the Pow Wow. Ted <br /> suggested selling commemoratives at the Pops Concertn, Willowbend <br /> Golf and Tennis Tournament. Welcome banners were suggested <br /> to be placed throughout the town; it was noted Jamie Regan is <br /> working on this. Paul suggested getting bumper stickers and <br /> easy on/off window stickers. Steve offered a joint financial <br /> venture through the concert committee or chamber to help fund <br /> replenishments . <br /> Steve gave an explanation of the Investment Tax Credit Program <br /> ( ITC) . There is not much advantage under this program; property <br /> tax abatement is more advantageous. ITC in Massachusetts <br /> includes only depreciable assets such as equipment and not land <br /> and buildings and does not amount to much unless you are a <br /> very large Corporation. Ted stated that getting the ETA status <br /> in Mashpee is still a good marketing tool. The Forum workshop <br /> with Kathy McCabe will be held on March 21st at 7 : 00 p.m. A <br /> motion was made, seconded and unanimously voted to move the <br /> regular meeting from March 14th to March 21st subject to <br /> -1 - <br />