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x <br /> ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE <br /> MINUTES OF MARCH 28, 1995 <br /> Members Present: Sid Stern, Paul Reynolds , Steve Innis. <br /> Ted Lewis (arrived 7: 20 p.m. ) . <br /> Also present: Wayne Duchemin, E.D. Coordinator <br /> The meeting was called to order at 7: 15 p.m. <br /> The Minutes of February 28 , 1995 were accepted with the following <br /> corrections : Pages 1 & 2 references to ETA should read EOA. <br /> Sid suggested that a clarification be made so that anything <br /> dealing with the data base be called the local employment pool <br /> to avoid confusion with the Economic Development Coordinator ' s <br /> work program. <br /> OLD BUSINESS <br /> The EOA Article for May Town Meeting was noted as being reported <br /> in The Enterprise. It was very positive and upbeat. Sid asked <br /> Steve to speak at Town Meeting on behalf of this Article. There <br /> was a group consensus that there is no need to have additional <br /> meetings on this subject. Ted recommended having Kathy McCabe <br /> from MOBD at the Town meeting to answer any questions that may <br /> arise. Sid mentioned that Bob Whritenour is very literate on <br /> this subject, and he will check with him re: having Kathy McCabe <br /> speak at the Meeting. Ted passed out copies of newspaper <br /> articles re: a city of Worcester shopping center that was <br /> renovated and TIF' s were given. <br /> Interviews have been set up for April 4th for the Economic <br /> Development Strategic Plan consultants. There are three groups <br /> doing presentations starting at 6 : 00 p.m. A suggestion was <br /> made to move the EDC meeting to April 4th, it was tabled until <br /> later in the meeting. <br /> The Internet connection is going to be installed and arrangements <br /> need to be made for payment. Wayne will follow this up with <br /> Bob Whritenour on what modem to order. Paul suggested buying <br /> a 28. 8 modem, the best we can get at this point in time, since <br /> we have the money in the budget. Paul reported that the Chamber <br /> of Commerce .has dozens of pages on the Internet about Mashpee. <br /> Sid noted that he received a call from Pat Prye re: doing an <br /> ad for the Chamber publication. (It was needed by April 1st. ) <br /> Steve did not feel that an EDC ad was appropriate in this <br /> publication. Paul agreed but stated that EDC should show <br /> support for business and participate in an image building effort. <br /> Ted would rather spend the money making contacts. A vote was <br /> taken re: doing this ad with the Chamber, and all were opposed. <br /> -1 - <br />