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ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES <br /> JULY 11 , 1995 <br /> Members Present: Tom Potts, Sharon Koblinsky , Paul Reynolds, <br /> Steve Innis, Ted Lewis absent. <br /> Also present: Wayne Duchemin, E.D. Coordinator <br /> Bob Whritenour, Executive Secretary <br /> Devon Winey, Mt. Auburn Associates <br /> The meeting was called to order at 7 : 00 p.m. <br /> The appointment of officers began with Paul Reynolds nominating <br /> Tom Potts as Chairperson. . Steve Innis seconded the nomination. <br /> Paul stated that he spoke with Ted Lewis on the phone, and Ted <br /> endorsed Tom Potts . The vote was unanimous. <br /> Steve Innis nominated Paul Reynolds to continue as Vice Chair. <br /> Sharon Koblinsky seconded the nomination. The vote was <br /> unanimous. <br /> The Minutes of June 29, 1995 were accepted with the following <br /> corrections : <br /> * p. 3 , Tom Potts noted Falmouth has a Cape Cod Bulletin running <br /> out of Falmouth (citing this as a reference only) , rather <br /> than suggesting that we use them. <br /> * Sharon asked how she should follow up the suggestion that <br /> she participate in the "think tank" group, and Steve suggested <br /> she call Ken Cirello at C-Map. <br /> Devon Winey from Mt. Auburn gave an overview on the first stages <br /> of the Economic Development study. The data collection is 90% <br /> completed. Census data was used as well as collecting jobs <br /> data for Mashpee from the DET; she found that there is not a <br /> lot of jobs in Mashpee. Charts and graphs of the data collected <br /> was passed around, and she suggested setting a Partnership <br /> meeting date to review this material. Mr. Whritenour suggested <br /> having EDC be the core working group to administer and implement <br /> the program and have the Partnership meet once a month with <br /> them. EDC has been very active, and they worked through the <br /> RFP. Mr. Whritenour wants to make clear what steps will be <br /> taken and what the product will be through communications at <br /> meetings and an appointed liaison. Devon stated the study will <br /> involve six months, and they are looking for input. They would <br /> like to know the key contact person to make sure they are going <br /> in the right direction along with copies of the Minutes from <br /> the meetings and any other up-to-date information. Bob suggested <br /> making Wayne the primary contact person, and EDC was in <br /> agreement. Sharon noted the scope of work per the RFP is immense, <br />