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ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES <br /> NOVEMBER 1¢, 1995 <br /> Members Present: Tom Potts , Ted Lewis, Steve Innis , <br /> Paul Reynolds (Sharon Koblinsky was absent) . <br /> Also Present: Wayne Duchemin, E.D. Coordinator <br /> The meeting was called to order at 7: 05 p.m. <br /> Jane Coogan of the Beautification Council was present to discuss <br /> the update on the maintenance of the Rotary. She reported that <br /> money has been allocated for the construction and maintenance <br /> of a Memorial Park. A committee comprised of Tom Fudala, Wayne <br /> Duchemin, Greg Taylor, Nancy Caffyn, and Bob Whritenour support <br /> this project. Ms. Coogan stated that Tom Cahir feels this is <br /> important. She feels it should be addressed as a two-phase <br /> project: ( 1 ) acquiring sculpture and ( 2) rotary beautification. <br /> Ms. Coogan feels the project could be done for $1, 500 . She <br /> suggested using art that reflects the "spirit" of Mashpee ( i .e. <br /> Indian heritage, sea, etc. ) . She further suggested tapping <br /> into the well for irrigation for Market Street and <br /> acquiring a flagpole with the correct size flag. Discussion <br /> regarding burying the utility wires occurred with comparisons <br /> to Needham. Ms. Coogan suggested reducing the number of signs <br /> in Mashpee and also keeping a canopy of trees to preserve the <br /> value of real estate. There is grant money available but Mashpee <br /> would need to hire a tree warden. Ms . Coogan asked EDC for <br /> help in acquiring a water buffalo for plantings around the <br /> Welcome signs. Mr. Potts noted that DPW has $1 , 000 available <br /> for taking care of the Welcome signs . The State has a <br /> beautification program budget and $250, 000 is available. Ms. <br /> Coogan stated that Beautification is looking for $5, 000 from <br /> the Town for mulch and annuals, and EDC' s support would be <br /> appreciated. EDC thanked Ms. Coogan for coming and will take <br /> this matter under advisement. <br /> Rick York, Shellfish Warden, gave a presentation on shellfish <br /> farming in Mashpee. He stated that farming can bring upwards <br /> of $50 million. There is high risk involved since it is not <br /> predictable, and there are capital costs for pumping water, <br /> airation, nature events , ice and disease. Quohogs are the most <br /> reliable and also softshell clams. Finfish and seaweed <br /> harvesting are potential areas to explore. There is a push <br /> State wide for aquaculture, and grant money is available. Mr. <br /> York cited Wellfleet ' s clam farming industry as an example. <br /> Potential sites for farming in Mashpee would be Waquoit Bay <br /> ( 50 acre potiential ) and Popponesset ( 5 acres ) . Mr. York has <br /> seeded for the Town, and Mashpee is leasing at $25 per acre <br /> to interested parties. (Mashpee residents ) . There is competition <br /> with the fishermen and recreational usage. Mr. York stated <br />