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f <br /> ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES <br /> SEPTEMBER 23, 1997 <br /> Wayne Ducheiain, Acting Chairman, called the meeting to order <br /> at 7 : 10 p.m. in Conference Room #2 at Mashpee Town Hall . <br /> Present were: Jack Hart, Peter Mulvey, Sharon Koblinsky. <br /> Also present: Pat Laurence and Heidi Trottier from the Chamber <br /> of Commerce <br /> MINUTES <br /> The Minutes of August 27 , 1997 were amended and Moved by <br /> Jack H. , seconded by Peter M. Sharon K. abstained. <br /> ELECTION OF OFFICERS <br /> Sharon K. moved to table the election of officers , Jack H. <br /> seconded. Unanimous . <br /> MASHPEE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE KIOSK <br /> Wayne D. referred to his Memorandum on the Kiosk project. Pat <br /> Laurence and Heidi Trottier brought a highlighted mad with points <br /> of interest and business areas. They would like the first Kiosk <br /> to be built at the Town Hall location. Bob W. supports this <br /> location. The Chamber and EDC will maintain and change the <br /> displays, and EDC will be given a key. <br /> Wayne D. Made a :notion to recommend to the Selectmen the Kiosk <br /> be located next to the phone at Town Hall , Sharon K. seconded. <br /> Unanimous . <br /> Sharon K. wade a motion that EDC provide $200 for the map and <br /> $250 towards the cost of building the Kiosk structure, Jack H. <br /> seconded. Unanimous. <br /> Wayne D. will craft a letter and send it to the Selectmen. <br /> He will also inforia Pat and Heidi when the Selectmen meet so <br /> they can attend. <br /> Jack H. suggested that a reduced size map be made available <br /> to hand out to the public. Pat and Heidi will look into this . <br /> SUB COMMITTEE REPORTS <br /> Wayne D. noted there is $3 , 600 remaining in EDC' s budget (with <br /> the $450 taken out for the Chamber) . There is a $1 ,000 expense <br /> pending to complete a -mailing to CEO' s in Mashpee. <br />