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AIS-Hoc COMMITTEE ON PLUMES IMPACTING MA HBEE <br /> MINUTES APRIL 2 , 1998 <br /> Greg Taylor , Chairman, called ,the meeting to order at 8 : 35 a.m. <br /> in Conference Room #2 at Mashpee Town Hall <br /> Present: Gree Taylor , Bob Whritenour, Nancy Ca f f yn, Elliot <br /> Rosenberg, Elias McQuade , Bob Sherman, <br /> Also. Brian Handy , Bud Hoda , Jim Snyder <br /> Absent,, Bob cram, Dave Rich <br /> The approval of the March 5 , 1998 Minutes were deferred to the <br /> next meeting (also February 12 , 1998 ) . <br /> Bud Hoda of Jacobs Engineering distributed a plan for a diversion <br /> channel for the Qua shn.e t River bogs . Jinn Snyder reviewed the <br /> plan citing the diversion berm and channel and flow direction. <br /> Brian Handy stated the plan seems reasonable to divert the water <br /> on the Qua bog. Brian has two more years on the present <br /> contract with the Town of Mashpee (as manager) , and he is looking <br /> for direction and answers to the compensation issue. <br /> Jim Snyder stated the compensation issue is in legislation now. <br /> There is a Supplementary Funding Bill that would allow the <br /> military to acquire interest ,in these boas to do this <br /> diversion project, as well as pay for the operation while - getting <br /> it under control , within a two-year time frame. Hopefully , <br /> with the plan in place, after two years of testing clean, they <br /> could be ready to produce a crop. <br /> Where will be a technical meeting on Wednesday , April 8 , in <br /> Buy.ld-ing 2816 on this project. Falmouth and Mashpee 'down <br /> officials will be invited as well as growers and regulatory <br /> agencies . <br /> The approach came up as a synthesis from meeting with everyone. <br /> They hope to address the fisheries problems with this plan as <br /> well. The upwelling area has been defined and. separated. <br /> Hopefully, they will be able to compensate for lost acreage. <br /> This flan satisfies the Department of Fisheries as it pertains <br /> to the herring run <br /> There are 27 acres under cultivation, 7 acres have been pulled <br /> out because of EDB contamination. <br /> Bob W. asked .if there could be a trout demonstration project <br /> to address the quality of the trout habitatd, <br /> Jim Snyder stated the channel will improve the habitat. <br />