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-f '4 <br /> BOARD of LIBRARY TRUSTEES <br /> REGULAR MONTHLY MEL'D'ING <br /> TUESDAY,NOVEMBER 13, 2007 <br /> MASHPEE LIBRARY MEETING ROOM <br /> Present- Carlo ' ste,Dianna Smith,Nancy Soderberg, Jane Dolan,Ann MacDonald-Dailey, Heather <br /> a atos, and Helene I e oe, Library Director(arrived 6:50 p.m.). <br /> Absent: David Burton. <br /> Vice Chairman Nancy Soderberg called the meeting to order at 6:40 p.m. and advised the Trustees that due to <br /> a family emergency Chairman David Burton would not be able to attend tonight's meeting. <br /> Congratulations were extended to Heather Laatos on the birth of her son, Gavin. <br /> Aouroval of Minutes <br /> Ann MacDonald-Dailey motioned to accept the nu*nutes of the Meeting of October 9, 2007 as Witten; Carlo <br /> ' ste seconded this notion; and the notion was passed by all those present who had attended the October 9 <br /> meeting. <br /> Communications <br /> Friends of the Library <br /> The Trustees commented that Barbara Notarius, Interim president of the Friends, is very active and will be <br /> here at Trustee meetings from time to time. A copy of the recently published Preface was discussed and the <br /> Board commented on the great job done. <br /> Heather Lakatos informed the Trustees that she is keeping the records for the bricks and benches requests as <br /> they come in and that she mentioned to Barbara Not rius that more has to be done and more people are <br /> needed. <br /> The Board discussed the need for a liaison from this Board to the Friends. Heather volunteered to serve as <br /> liaison to the Friends; and Dianna Smith volunteered to be Heather's back-up provided the Friends hold <br /> meetings in the evening.. <br /> Plannin acid Construction Committee <br /> question was raised about whether or not Shelly Gilbert will be liaison from Planning and Construction <br /> Committee to this Board. It was noted that this is something the Planning and Construction Committee to <br /> decide. <br /> The Trustees then discussed who would serve as liaison to Planning and Construction Committee from <br /> Library Trustees Board. Jane Dolan volunteered to serve as the Trustee liaison to the Planning and <br /> Construction Committee; and Nancy Soderberg volunteered to be back-up to Jane Dolan. <br />