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3 . Clifford Wickstrom Harwich Concrete Block, Route 130 <br /> Mr. Wickstrom presented the same plan as previously shown, except <br /> for a stamp on it. Joyce Landscaping of Centerville had been <br /> consulted regarding plantings. Joyce Landscaping letter dated <br /> July 2, 1997 was entered into the record. The letter recommended <br /> that 4' bare root privet be installed every 4' on center. In five <br /> years it is anticipated they will reach 20' in height and S' in <br /> width. Discussion ensued. <br /> It was suggested some plantings be installed along the side road <br /> as well as along Route 130. The choices were narrowed down to: <br /> 4 ' to 5' five foot on center for arborvitae <br /> OR <br /> 41 to 5' two foot on center for privet. <br /> Depending on the price, Mr. Wickstrom will decide what species <br /> will be planted. The timetable for the plantings was discussed at <br /> length. All agreed it would be most advantageous to wait until <br /> mid-to-late August. Mr. Wickstrom agreed all planting will be <br /> completed by the end of August. <br /> There were no problems with the sign. <br /> Meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> AAS <br /> Janne A. Pie3ce, <br /> Recording Secretary <br /> att: Joyce Landscaping letter <br />