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Finance Committee <br /> February 8 , 1989 <br /> Page 2 . <br /> The request for the mini-van ties into the idea of the <br /> Building Superintendent . He would use this with the <br /> two other full time custodians . <br /> Police cruisers - All present agreed that this should be a line <br /> item in the police department budget . The amount of the <br /> request is $43 , 950 , however Murphy noted that this may <br /> vary , due to a foul-up in the state contract . If this <br /> fails , the town will solicit bids and they will be <br /> available for the annual town meeting . Murphy <br /> recommended that the funds be from, raise and appropriate . <br /> Fire Station compressor - Joe recommended that the funds for this <br /> come from Stabilization . Murphy noted the need for the <br /> breathing units stating that this was also part of <br /> the bargaining contract . <br /> Fire Station architect - Andrew Gottlieb noted that a fire <br /> substation is at least five years down the road . He <br /> felt this request should be deferred at least one year . <br /> He noted that this is just not a priority issue and they <br /> are just not ready yet . <br /> Fire Department pick-up replacement - Finance Committee agreed <br /> with this and stated the 1980 fire pick-up should be <br /> earmarked for the Harbormaster . <br /> Police Station addition - The police are not prepared to go to <br /> annual town meeting with this and Murphy suggested that <br /> that it be deferred to a Fall special . <br /> DPW computer - Murphy noted there is just not enough information <br /> for specs . He expressed his belief that the DPW would <br /> benefit more by having a personal computer rather than <br /> hooking into the town system . It was the consensus <br /> that this should be deferred and the specs reworked . <br /> DPW dump truck - It was agreed that this should be deferred . <br /> Finance Committee had previously discussed the idea of <br /> DPW picking up school trash and possibly eliminating the <br /> need for a school truck . It was agreed that it is <br /> cheaper to have a commercial hauler pick up the trash <br /> than to have the trash picked up taken to the dump and <br /> then have it hauled to Otis . <br /> DPW tractor - Murphy recommended the funds for this come from <br /> Stabilization . Ernie is seeking $18 , 000 for a used <br /> tractor . This will be used for beach raking and for <br /> road side mowing . <br /> DPW wood chipper - Ernie is seeking $12 , 000 for a used chipper . <br /> Murphy recommended the funds come from Stabilization . <br /> There is a need for this . Members expressed their liability <br /> concerns over such a piece of equipment . Murphy noted <br /> that the model the DPW is seeking is not a self-feed <br /> Bmodel and thus is not quite as dangerous . <br />