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Finance Committee <br /> June 19, 1990 <br /> Page 3. <br /> meet with the Superintendent about this situation and the possibility of projecting <br /> layoff costs. Vern motioned that the Finance Committee approve the $2,000 for <br /> unemployment. This motion was seconded by Carole and there was a unanimous vote <br /> of approval. <br /> Anne's second Request was for $7,000 for Employee Medical Insurance to pay <br /> for the June Blue Cross. This is the result of new people who joined the plan. <br /> She noted that it takes some time to get them on the plan and then the bills are <br /> retroactive. Carl Heller motioned that the Finance Committee approve the $7,000 <br /> and John Ferriday seconded the motion. There was a unanimous vote of approval. <br /> The Town Accountant also addressed two Requests for Transfer with the <br /> Committee. The first Request if for $28.83 to be transferred to the Town Planner <br /> Management Salary Account as a result in a one—week miscalculation in a step increase. <br /> Carl motioned the Committee approve the $28.83. This motion was seconded by Vern <br /> and there was unanimous approval. <br /> The Town Accountant's second Request was in the amount of $20.14 to be <br /> transferred to the Animal Control Salary. This Request was also the result of <br /> a one—week miscalculation in a step increase. Carl motioned for approval and <br /> it was seconded by Deirdre. The motion carried unanimously. <br /> The Committee discussed a Request for $8,053.58 from Veteran's Services. <br /> This Request is the result of medical bills incurred by eligible veterans and <br /> or dependents. Vern motioned that this Request for Transfer be disallowed and <br /> go as an unpaid bill for next year on Town Meeting Floor. Jim noted that he <br /> would second this motion for the purpose of discussion. Vaccaro noted that <br /> Veterans Services had expressed their concern that if the bill wasn't paid they <br /> may have trouble getting vendors who currently agree to take the Medicare rates. <br /> Jim noted that 75% of the medical bills will be reimbursed and of the <br /> funeral bill. Deirdre expressed her belief that these people had incurred the <br /> debt in good faith and the Town should pay. Carole was concerned that vendors <br /> may refuese to serve veterans in the future. Chairman Vaccaro called for a <br /> vote of Vern's motion. The motion did not carry, only Vern voted in favor. <br /> Carole motioned that the Finance Committee approve $8,053.58 for Veterans <br /> Services. This motion was seconded by John Ferriday and there was a unanimous <br /> vote of agreement. <br /> Ernie Virgilio, DPW Director, addressed the Committee regarding his $3,000 <br /> Request for Transfer. Ile is asking that the $3,000 be transferred to the DPW <br /> Expense Account. Ernie noted that the present balance in the Expense Account <br /> is $370. The amount requested will be used for last month's uniform, Mike's <br /> Service Station, ComElectric, AT&T, NET, Poland Springs, BFI, and various <br /> repair and supply bills. Ernie noted that it is hard to calculate what will <br /> break down and he must maintain his equipment. Carl motioned that the Finance <br /> Committee approve the $3,000 and Carole seconded the motion. The Finance Committee <br /> unanimously approved. <br /> Jamie Reagan and Al Polsi asked to address the Finance Committee regarding <br /> alternative suggestions for a new Town Hall. Both stressed that they are in <br /> favor of a new Town Hall, however in view of the Town's fiscal crisis alternatives <br /> should be considered. They are proposing the purchase of Pine Tree Place as <br /> a temporary solution to the Town's needs. A new Town Hall would cost between <br /> 4 — 44' million dollars: and U.S. Trust the current owner of Pine Tree Place <br /> would consider offers in the 1.2 million dollar range. $400,000 has already <br />