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would definetly be needed by 1996 and the conversion of the Middle <br /> School to a Jr/Sr. High School. <br /> Alec Matt indicated that there will be a special election on March <br /> 21, 1992 to get the approval to fund this project. March 21st was <br /> chosen because it will take time to advertise proposals and assess <br /> them and for construction time. If it is not passed then they will <br /> try to get the approval at the May town meeting. <br /> Members then went on to discuss this proposal. John Ferriday asked <br /> whether high school children will be coming back to Mashpee in the <br /> near future? He felt it would be extremely expensive to move high <br /> school children back. Dr. Lincoln DeMoura then stated that after <br /> discussions with Falmouth High School's Committee, Falmouth will <br /> not accept any more enrollments by 1996. We will have to phase our <br /> children out. John then stated that he felt the quality of <br /> education will drop if we bring our children back to Mashpee. He <br /> thought that the smaller the school was, the more expensive it <br /> would be to have special programs and the town would not be able to <br /> afford to do that. <br /> Denise Sullivan asked how many classrooms Mashpee Town Hall can <br /> accommodate? The answer was nine classrooms. Dr. DeMoura <br /> indicated that it would cost approximately $20,000 to $30,000 to <br /> use the Davis School for one year. There would also be extra costs <br /> for Town Hall to move elsewhere. He also stated that the Davis <br /> School would be good for Kindergarten, but as the children get <br /> older, we would have to think about having cafeterias. It would <br /> cost approximately $2,000,000 to renovate Town Hall to bring it up <br /> to current standards. <br /> Deidre Greelish asked how many classrooms are presently in the <br /> Middle School? The answer was 30 instructional classrooms. Mr. <br /> DeMoura mentioned that there were three or four special education <br /> programs at the Middle School as well as two foreign language <br /> programs. There are also 30 classrooms at the Coombs School. <br /> Al Polsi asked whether the Middle School could accommodate the new <br /> classrooms as far as waste requirements go. Mr. DeMoura indicated <br /> that it was capable of taking on the addition. There are more than <br /> enough lavatories and the septic system was built over sized. Al <br /> Polsi then asked were the food facilites adequate? The answer was <br /> yes. Al also asked for a total amount the plan would cost, <br /> including the cost of teachers, furniture, etc. Dr. DeMoura stated <br /> that it would cost approximately $6,000 or $7,000 per classroom. <br /> We would have to hire 15 teachers at approximately $32,000 per year <br /> salary and we would need another custodian. We would then have <br /> utility charges and transportation charges. <br /> Nancy Caffyn asked whether the Middle School could function as a <br /> Jr/Sr. High School in the future? Does it function as a high <br /> school? Dr. DeMoura indicated that it could function as a high <br /> school. There are sufficient showers, lavatories, two science <br /> laboratories, a home economics room. <br />
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