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Al Polsi requested a tour of both schools. Mr. DeMoura agreed to <br /> meet Mr. Polsi at the Middle School at 9:00 A.M. on Friday, <br /> February 14 , 1992. <br /> Deidre Greelish asked whether there were special needs programs in <br /> both the Middle School and the Coombs School. The answer was yes. <br /> Deidre also suggested that by moving children from the Coombs <br /> School to the Middle School, for instance the fourth graders, there <br /> might not be as much overcrowdedness. David Terry suggested that <br /> capacity has very little to do with this. He stated that we are <br /> talking about a school and we need to look at the overall picture. <br /> He felt that we can't keep shuffling children around. Tony Gallo <br /> mentioned the fact that children today need to be taught how to <br /> think. In the past when overcrowded classrooms were a way of life, <br /> the children who fell through the cracks were forgotten about. We <br /> can't allow this to happen. He-felt-that-we-can't-al-row-more-th&r <br /> 3eem- One teache-r-eanne�handte all <br /> Al Polsi brought up the <br /> subject of portable classrooms. Alec Matt indicated that it would <br /> cost the town approximately $30,000 per year for four portables, as <br /> well as a set up fee of $35,000. Carole Dunivan stated that the <br /> School Committee has absolutely said no to portable classrooms. <br /> Carole felt that we were not doing anything here tonight. She <br /> suggested the selectmen get together with the School Building Needs <br /> Committee and work this through. Peter asked when the bonds for <br /> the Middle School would be retired? The answer was 1996. <br /> WA'T'ERWAYS COMMISSION <br /> Lew Schwartz and Dan Hommyer were also present at this meeting on <br /> behalf of the Waterways Commission. Mr. Schwartz indicated that <br /> the Waterways Commission has been paying out of pocket all expenses <br /> to keep the organization running besides secretarial costs. They <br /> are only able to have one meeting per month because of the <br /> secretary's budget. During the hurricane they needed more meetings <br /> and could not have them and they also needed some emergency funding <br /> which they were not able to obtain because the Waterways <br /> Maintenance Fund is not accessible without a timely warrant to be <br /> considered only by town meeting. Mr. Schwartz asked, in a memo to <br /> Kevin Harrington, that the use of these funds be determined by <br /> recommendation of the Waterways Commisision and subject to the <br /> approval of the Board of Selectmen and Town Manager. He felt that <br /> these funds should be accessible in an emergency situation. He <br /> also recommended in the memo an operational budget of $2 ,500 per <br /> year that would cover such services as additional secretarial <br /> services, personal travel, telephone, research costs, printing and <br /> miscellaneous costs. Deidre Greelish suggested that we also find <br /> out if that fund is being used by any other commission such as <br /> Harbormaster. Dan Hommyer also suggested that their secretary is <br /> only budgeted to be at a meeting once per month and that they do <br /> not even have a designated area for their files, which are public <br /> record. John Ferriday stated that he is not in favor of public <br /> records being kept in private facilities. He suggested the second <br /> floor of the D.P.W. Dan Hommyer mentioned that the Harbormaster is <br />