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required by State and Conservation was set up by town articles, but <br /> that the Waterways Commission is only an advisory committee. <br /> Deidre Greelish questioned Mr. Schwartz and Mr. Hommyer about the <br /> consolidation of Shellfish and Harbormaster. Dan Hommyer did not <br /> see why it wouldn't work as long as they could find one man truly <br /> qualified to do both jobs. He did not think the Herring Warden <br /> should be considered because he is responsible for uninhabitable <br /> waters. He did feel that this one person responsible for Shellfish <br /> and Harbormaster would need the help of 3 assistants as well as a <br /> part time secretary. Lew Schwartz felt that we should test market <br /> the concept. Deidre Greelish also agreed that this was a good idea <br /> before actually changing all of the by-laws. Dan Goggin suggested <br /> that we take Mr. Schwartz's memo under advisement. Lew Schwartz <br /> just wanted to make known that they needed the Finance Committee's <br /> support. <br /> MINUTES <br /> It was agreed that the minutes of February 4th and February 6th <br /> would be voted on February 13 , 1992. <br /> BUDGET - D.P.W. <br /> Al Polsi stated that he discussed a possible reduction in the <br /> D.P.W. 's budget with Greg Taylor. The discussion was about <br /> dropping 5% from their expense amounts totalling $36,345.00. Their <br /> level service budget request was for $726,914 and they considered <br /> dropping it to $690,569. Al Polsi also handed out a packet to <br /> members describing the department's job descriptions. He asked <br /> that the members review it for Thursday, February 13th. <br /> Tony stated that we should wait to see Kevin Harrington's budget on <br /> Friday. He felt that Mr. Harrington tried to take everybody and <br /> give them enough money to avoid layoffs. He did not put any money <br /> aside for worst case scenario. What Mr. Harrington came out with <br /> was that the town was short approximately $60,000. <br /> Meeting Adjourned at 10:00 P.M. Next meeting is on Thursday, <br /> February 13, 1992. <br />