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Page 3 <br /> NEW BUSINESS <br /> Mr. Goggin read a memo that was written by Roger Dunivan to the <br /> Committee relating that he had a chance to meet with the Fire and <br /> Police Departments and discuss a series of questions that he had <br /> with them. He requests that the Committee discuss these answers on <br /> February 23 , 1994 when he returns from vacation. <br /> Mr. Ferriday asked how the Committee should approach the budget <br /> revenues with only an increase of 2 1/5% with 1% going to <br /> Stabilization? Wage requests are 5 1/2% and there is not much room <br /> unless something incredible happens. <br /> Mr. Goggin stated that at the next meeting the Committee will start <br /> going down the list, department by department. <br /> The Committee reviewed the list of departments to see if they could <br /> approve any departments' requests at this meeting. They agreed <br /> that the Arts Council , Cemetery, Historical Commission, Moderator, <br /> Sewer Commission and Town Museum looked okay. Under the Historical <br /> Commission they moved a request for $1,400 for fire proof cabinets <br /> under new capital , rather than keeping it under budget requests. <br /> They also agreed to fund the Herring Warden $2 ,500 instead of <br /> $4,500 as requested, and Public Assistance $15,000 and not $15,500. <br />• Dan Goggin asked that whoever has Animal Control should review it <br /> carefully. <br /> Deirdre Greelish is going to speak to Mr. Whritenour about the 53rd <br /> week problem. Apparently, the budget already reflects a 2% <br /> increase in salaries and this increase needs to be voted on at Town <br /> Meeting. <br /> The meeting adjourned at 9 :OOPM. The Finance Committee is planning <br /> on attending the Board of Selectmen's meeting being held on Monday, <br /> February 7, 1994 to discuss the Management Letter. The next <br /> regular scheduled meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 9, <br /> 1994 at 7:OOPM. <br />• <br />