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w t <br /> Page 2 <br /> supposedly sent in budget requests with their salaries including <br /> step increases for non union employees plus two, 2% cost of living <br /> increases. Ms. Sullivan mentioned the Harbormaster's salary <br /> request. over the fiscal year 1995, he will have been given an <br /> increase in salary of 8.9%. Ms. Greelish drafted a memo which she <br /> requested be sent to each Department Head for their information on <br /> how to submit a corrected Salary/Wage budget. The memo asks that <br /> they submit a corrected Salary/Wage budget showing current salaries <br /> of non union employees with only step increases at their current <br /> work schedule. The memo then goes on to request that the <br /> department head also break down and identify the cost of a 2% <br /> increase on July 1 and a 2% increase for the last 9 weeks of FY95. <br /> The memo also contains a separate paragraph for new positions and <br /> a paragraph for increasing hours for part time positions. Ms. <br /> Greelish also stated that she would try to figure out how much of <br /> a raise each employee would have gotten over a three year period. <br /> She mentioned that in FY93 there were no increases given with the <br /> exception of Step increases. Finance Committee members agreed to <br /> send this out to each department in a final draft. Mr. Goggin <br /> suggested first that a hand delivered copy be given to Mr. <br /> Whritenour to see how he would like to handle this problem. Mr. <br /> ,Goggin expected that Mr. Whritenour would contact him on Friday. <br /> If he could not resolve the problem then the memos could then be <br /> mailed to the department heads. Ms. King wondered if it was <br /> possible to prevent employees from getting Step increases. Ms. <br /> Sullivan stated that no it was not possible. Ms. Sullivan stated <br /> that it was not fair to the Committee to have to do all the extra <br /> calculations to prepare their recommendations. Ms. Greelish also <br /> mentioned that it was not the fault of the Department heads either. <br /> They were told by the Executive Secretary how to prepare their <br /> salary requests for FY95. Hopefully the Executive Secretary will <br /> get corrected budgets. It is illegal to fund the 2% increases, <br /> because the voters still need to approve it at Town Meeting. <br /> Mr. Ferriday thought that the Finance Committee should get this <br /> type of information to the voters, so that the voters would not <br /> think that the Finance Committee was just trying to prevent giving <br /> raises. This way voters could see that some employees, in some <br /> instances, are getting an increase of over 8%. Mr. Ferriday also <br /> thought another option might be to hold an open forum meeting with <br /> the taxpayers Association, like had been done last year, so that <br /> the voters would know exactly how the Finance Committee arrived at <br /> their recommendations. The Committee agreed that this second <br /> option was a good idea. Ms. Greelish mentioned that she would try <br /> to contact Joanne Ferragamo to see if she would be willing to view <br /> the Finance Committee Chairman again this year. Mr. Goggin also <br /> mentioned that the Committee should try to get the Five Year Plan <br />'} viewed on Cable. The problem is that Cable will not send anybody <br /> to tape the Committee. Deirdre Greelish said that the School <br /> Committee uses students, who are willing to tape the meetings. <br /> This could quite possibly be an option, with the Committee just <br /> accessing the equipment. <br />