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1 N <br /> Page4 <br /> still there are no contracts. <br /> Ms. Greelish also issued to the Committee a sheet in which she <br /> prepared as to what the School Committee requested in FY94 , what <br /> the Finance Committee supported and what the Town provided. Mr. <br /> Goggin felt that this was an excellent source of information for <br /> the voters and that a third column should be added to show what the <br /> Town did support. The Finance Committee agreed to publish this <br /> piece of information. Denise Sullivan MOTIONED to publish this <br /> worksheet. Marcia King seconded the Motion and members agreed to <br /> this 5-0 . Mr. Goggin felt that this was an introduction for the <br /> taxpayer, which could be followed by a chart similar to last year <br /> and then possibly another article entitled "Where did the money <br /> go?n <br /> There was mention that when Mr. Dunivan returned from vacation, <br /> writing letters would be discussed again. He had some question in <br /> regard to the Minutes of December 15, 1993. <br /> The Committee discussed Articles which they prepared for the <br /> Special Town Meeting. There are four Articles 1 . Capital <br /> Replacement Account; 2. Betterment Account Transfer from Free Cash; <br /> 3 . Rescind Borrowing Authority on MMS Addition. Mr. Goggin will <br /> speak to Ms. Shaw regarding this; and 4. $145,000 Balance in MMS <br /> Addition Account. Ms. Greelish wished to have the money moved to <br /> the High School Account. The Committee agreed unanimously. <br /> Ms. King mentioned that she received a copy of a memo from Greg <br /> Taylor, DPW Director, to Mr. Whritenour indicating that he would <br /> like to increase his budget by $40 ,000 for operations and $2 ,500 <br /> for additional overtime, if the Board of Selectmen agree to put <br /> Maintenance and Grounds back into the DPW budget. <br /> Marcia King MOTIONED to transfer the liaison assignment of the <br /> Personnel Department to Denise Sullivan. The department was <br /> originally assigned to Dan Goggin. The Motion was seconded and <br /> voted upon unanimously 5-0 inn regard to the change. <br /> Deirdre Greelish MOTIONED to adjourn at 9: 20PM. Marcia King <br /> seconded the Motion and members voted unanimously 5-0. <br /> The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 16, 1994 at <br /> 7:OOPM. The Finance Committee will also be meeting with the Board <br /> of Selectmen on February 28, 1994 at 7: 15PM to discuss the Audit <br /> Report. Minutes were submitted by Jean M. Mooney, Recording <br /> Secretary. <br />