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MASHPEE FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES <br /> FEBRUARY 16, 1994 <br /> MEETING COMMENCED AT 7 : OOPM <br /> Members Present: Dan Goggin, Chairman; Deirdre Greelish; John <br /> Ferriday; Denise Sullivan; Tony Gallo; Roger Dunivan and Marcia <br /> King. <br /> Please note for the record that the taping of this meeting was for <br /> the transcription of the Minutes only. The tape will be reused <br /> once the Minutes are approved. <br /> Marcia King MOTIONED to accept the Minutes of February 9, 1994 as <br /> written. John Ferriday seconded the Motion and members voted in <br /> approval of the Minutes as written 5-0. Roger Dunivan and Tony <br /> Gallo abstained. <br /> Mr. Dunivan wished to discuss page 4, paragraph 3 of the prior <br /> weeks minutes. He stated that it was his belief that all letters <br /> which are sent to the press signed by the entire Finance Committee <br /> should be voted on before sending. There was a question in regard <br /> to a previous letter sent to The Enterprise by the Chairman, which <br /> was discussed but not voted on. The letter was in regard to the <br /> school committee budget. Mr. Gallo mentioned that the first night <br /> in which he became Chairman of the Finance Committee back in 1991 <br /> the Committee voted that all letters sent to the press should be <br /> voted on, if it is signed by the Finance Committee. Mr. Ferriday <br /> mentioned that there have been times over this past year when the <br /> Committee met either in the form of a subcommittee or at a Board of <br /> Selectmen's meeting in which the Committee's recording secretary <br /> was not present to record a vote. It was possible at that time the <br /> letter was discussed and approved by majority to be sent. Mr. <br /> Ferriday felt that it may somehow tie the Committee's hands if they <br /> have to hold a full meeting just to vote on a letter. He felt that <br /> a majority approval should be enough to send the letter. Mr. <br /> Dunivan stated that he just wanted his opinion noted and recorded <br /> in the Minutes. Mr. Goggin asked that the Committee now vote on <br /> that letter to The Enterprise. Deirdre Greelish MOTIONED to show <br /> support for the Chairman's letter, which appeared in The <br /> Enterprise, in regard to the School Department's budget. Marcia <br /> King seconded the Motion and members voted 6-0 in approval of the <br /> Motion. Roger Dunivan abstained. <br /> Mr. Goggin informed the Committee that Ms. Greelish, Ms. Sullivan <br /> and Ms. King have been meeting on a separate night from the regular <br /> meetings to try to bring the salary requests from the departments <br /> into compliance with the Town's Financial Plan. <br />• Mr. Goggin also informed the Committee that there would be a <br /> meeting at 5:30PM the following evening between the Board of <br /> Selectmen and the Executive Secretary to discuss budget requests. <br />