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• Page 2 <br /> process was a little flawed? Ms. Sullivan stated that she felt the <br /> Committee should not do anything. Marcia King also agreed that she <br /> felt the Committee did not have the authority to do anything. <br /> Deirdre Greelish thought that the Committee should send some type <br /> of notice to the Board of Selectmen stating that they were in <br /> support of the Selectmen's decision to hold off on choosing an <br /> architect. <br /> Ms. King stated that she would be willing to contact The Enterprise <br /> so that the taxpayers would stay informed as to what the Finance <br /> Committee feels regarding the whole situation. Dan Goggin <br /> suggested, rather than being misquoted, put a letter in writing and <br /> send it to The Enterprise. Ms. Greelish suggested that it be <br /> written in a question and answer format. Mr. Goggin's concern was <br /> that if the town missed the June 1994 filing and waited to June <br /> 1995 the reimbursement rules could possibly be changed in January <br /> 1995. Mr. Goggin also suggested attending the Selectmen's meeting <br /> on Monday night and bringing up these concerns of the Finance <br /> Committee. Mr. Dunivan also agreed that the Committee is trying to <br /> deal in the best interest of the high school . This school will be <br /> a building that will be used for the next fifty years. It should <br /> be done correctly and in the best possible manner. <br /> For the record, Mr. Ferriday mentioned that there was an invitation <br /> . for the liaison to the school department to attend an annual <br /> luncheon being put on by the Cape Cod Technical High School. He <br /> stated that anyone wishing to go could attend, and that the <br /> students usually do an excellent job. <br /> FIVE YEAR FINANCIAL PLAN <br /> Dan Goggin issued a copy of the Plan to the Committee for its <br /> review. He stated that basically these were Al Polsi's figures <br /> rearranged. The Committee agreed that realistically it should be <br /> a five year plan instead of a ten year plan. Mr. Dunivan <br /> questioned using the Taxpayers Association's figures? The <br /> Committee reassured him that they had already reviewed these <br /> figures with Mr. Polsi and made the changes they felt necessary. <br /> This was also the reason for discussing it again at this meeting. <br /> After reviewing the School's column, Mr. Dunivan stated that he <br /> felt the Committee should better understand the State formula for <br /> funding. The Committee agreed that this was an essential thing to <br /> do. Mr. Goggin stated that he would check into the Local <br /> Government column to make sure it checks with the budget for FY94. <br /> Mr. Goggin also stated that he would review the tax levy amount and <br /> the overlay. Mr. Dunivan stated that if the town does not file its <br /> school plans until September or October then the short term <br /> gg' borrowing amount will be affected. The Committee agreed to look <br /> q. into that figure. Ms. Greelish did not think that the computer <br /> • upgrade should be in the plan. The Committee agreed to take it <br /> out. They also agreed to eliminating the capital equipment column. <br />