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Personnel Board ' <br /> Meeting of Sept . 11 , 1989 Page 3 <br /> r <br /> Meeting With Selectman Carter- _ <br /> Special contracts given by Board, of Selectmen . for Beach Superintendent <br /> and Administration Assistant+ and the special contract granted by the <br /> Finance Committee for the Assistant Animal Control Officer as well as <br /> special rates for Lifeguards giving swim instruction were discussed <br /> with Selectman Carter . The concern of the Board of the Beach Superin- <br /> tendent and. Assistant Animal Control Officer was that these positions <br /> were not created through Town Meeting . - Selectman Carter was advised <br /> that this, was an established policy created by the Board of Selectmen ' s <br /> office when creating new positions . With regard to the Administrative <br /> Assistant ' sQ,',special contract , Selectman Carter was advised that the <br /> P .A .P . had an established rate differential of which he was given a copy . <br /> With regard to the Beach Superintendent , Chairman Sullivan expressed con- <br /> cern that swim markers weremissingfrom John ' s Pond and the other markers <br /> were left out in the water and that the lifeguard was told to leave them <br /> there . He asked if the town would be liable if anything happens? Select- <br /> man Carter asked to be reminded to contact Mark Mason regarding the swim <br /> markers..,stating that the town is always liable to some extent _ - <br /> With regard to the Pay Differential of the Personnel Administration Plan , <br /> Selectman Carter commented .that they .were not disregarding the P . A .P . ; just <br /> going a different route . <br /> Ben Lofchie discussed the advertising of positionsat a high salary as of- <br /> fered with personal service contracts stating that the town would attract <br /> a better caliber of candidates . <br /> Selectman Carter said that the Board of Selectman relies on the Executive <br /> Secretary for all negotiations and hiring recommendations . He suggested <br /> that the Personnel Board bring in the next Executive Secretary and advise <br /> the new person of the Personnel Board ' s guidelines . He said in that way <br /> the Board would know ifthe- Executive Secretary is not following the Board ' s <br /> wishes . <br /> Chairman Sullivan said that there has been a lot of stuff that the Personnel <br /> Board has taken the wrap for and that it has not been personnel . Selectman <br /> Carter said that Joe Murphy was not a big advocate of the Board . <br /> Manuel Glickman suggested giving the Personnel Board more authority . He <br /> said that if the Board members were not good enough to have this authority , <br /> the Selectman should replace them instead of having theburden of problems <br /> fall on their shoulders . <br /> The Board also discussed with Selectman Carter the problem created by his <br /> department in giving benefits for part-time help (less than 20 hrs . ) . <br /> Chairman Sullivan said that the Board is working to define. benefits for <br /> part-time and temporary persons . Jane Stockbridge said that temporary and <br /> part-timehelpare not mutually exclusive . Selectman Carter asked that the <br /> Board send him a memo regarding benefits for the Floating Clerk as the <br /> Board advised him that she was not eligible for sick time and they had to <br /> stop the . payroll . <br />