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PERSONNEL BOARD MINUTES <br /> MEETING OF OCTOBER 21 , 1991 PAGE 2 <br /> At the conclusion of the interviews, the Board voted to recommend three <br /> semi-finalists ( in the order listed ) : Seaman Turner, James Gammon and <br /> Wilton Brierly . Note : Background checks will be conducted prior to <br /> sending recommendations to the Board of Selectmen. <br /> Request for Sick Bank Days - J . Lundquist <br /> The Board reviewed a letter from Jean C. Lundquist, Clerk/Bookkeeper, dated <br /> October 8 requesting approval of twenty-four hours from the P.A . P. sick <br /> bank to cover the time she was out due to recent surgery . After review of <br /> Jean ' s sick time, Leo Turo moved to approve the request . Jane Stockbridge <br /> seconded the motion . All in favor. <br /> Request for Leave of Absence - Mae Lofchie <br /> The Board reviewed a letter from Mae Lofchie, Administrative Clerk to <br /> Leisure Services, dated October 8 requesting approval of a leave of absence <br /> from December 23 to March 16 . Mrs . Lofchie is a 15 hour a week employee <br /> and is not a member of the retirement or health plan . <br /> The Board also reviewed a memo from Dean Driscoll , Director of Leisure <br /> Services, stating that he approves of the leave of absence for Mrs . Lofchie <br /> from December 23 through March 16 and of a week ' s vacation starting Dec . 16 . <br /> Dean asks approval of the Board to increase the hours of Betty Jones, the <br /> other Administrative Clerk to Leisure Services ( who works at the Community <br /> School ) . He states that Mrs . Jones would assist in covering the time <br /> period when Mrs . Lofchie would be away. He also states that he will keep <br /> the total amount of expenditures to less than what would have been spent on <br /> the two salaries if separate . <br /> Ben Lofchie stepped down from the Board during the discussion and vote . <br /> Leo Turo moved to approve the leave of absence of Mae Lofchie during the <br /> period of December 23 to March 16 . Rita Sousa seconded the motion. All in <br /> favor. <br /> Leo Turo moved to approve the request from Dean Driscoll for additional <br /> hours of Betty Jones to cover the time period while Mrs . Lofchie is away . <br /> Rita Sousa seconded the motion. All in favor. <br /> Memo from Executive Secretary - re : Salary Reclassification <br /> Jane Stockbridge advised the Board that she received a letter from Kevin <br /> Harrington, Executive Secretary dated October 3 regarding the Salary <br /> Classification Report . <br /> Jane told the Board members that Kevin had questions which she addressed in <br /> a memo to him on October 17 . One of the concerns was comparable worth. <br /> Jane advised the Board that it is a case of taking two different jobs such <br /> as a Nurse and a Truck Driver. She said that comparable worth is difficult <br /> to understand . Rita agreed . <br /> Discussion centered on the initial report which was submitted on July 3 to <br /> Kevin Harrington, the Executive Secretary. A second transmittal letter <br /> went to Kevin Harrington on July 8 with additional recommendations . Jane <br /> Stockbridge met with Kevin on August 5 regarding the report . At that time, <br /> Kevin advised Jane that she did an excellent job and that he would send her <br /> his comments ( which were received on October 3 ) . <br />