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ARTICLE 16 <br /> To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds or <br /> borrow $426,640 to the Sewer Commission Facilities Plan Account, to be expended <br /> under the direction of the Sewer Commission for consultant services and associated <br /> costs related to the development of a Watershed Nitrogen Management Plan/Effluent <br /> Pipeline Preliminary Design, and to raise such appropriation, the Treasurer, with the <br /> approval of the Selectmen, be authorized to borrow $426,640, or any other sum under <br /> and pursuant to Chapter 44, Sections 7, 8(16) and 8C of the General laws, or any other <br /> enabling authority, and to issue bonds or notes of the Town therefor; provided that said <br /> appropriation and borrowing authorization shall be contingent on receipt of a loan for <br /> this purpose from the State Revolving Fund Program of the Department of <br /> Environmental Protection, or take any other action relating thereto. <br /> Submitted by Sewer Commission <br /> Explanation: The Mashpee River, Ockway Bay, Shoestring Bay, parts of Popponesset <br /> Bay and portions of the Waquoit Bay estuary have seen rapidly declining water quality, <br /> fish and shellfish kills caused by inadequate oxygen levels, excessive algae, foul odors <br /> and other problems due largely to excessive nitrogen levels. Those nitrogen levels result <br /> primarily from the increasing levels of residential development in the watersheds of <br /> those bays and the use of traditional septic systems for disposal of wastewater. In 1998 <br /> the Town funded the first phase of an effort to deal with those problems. That first <br /> phase, a study of critical nitrogen levels in the Popponesset Bay estuary by Dr. Brian <br /> Howes and the University of Massachusetts Center for Marine Science and Technology <br /> (CMAST), will identify the level of nitrogen inputs which can be tolerated by the <br /> Mashpee River, Shoestring Bay, Ockway Bay and the main body of Popponesset Bay. <br /> This article would fund the second phase of the project, involving development by <br /> CMAST of similar information on tolerable nitrogen levels for Hamblin Pond / Little River, <br /> Jehu Pond / Great River and the Quashnet River estuary, nitrogen modeling by CMAST <br /> of alternative approaches to nitrogen reduction, and development, by a wastewater <br /> engineering firm, of a plan and preliminary design for the wastewater facilities and other <br /> measures required to reduce nitrogen loading to the tolerable levels identified by CMAST <br /> in the most cost-effective manner possible. The funding amount requested is based on <br /> the fees required for the additional work by CMAST and the wastewater-engineering <br /> firm. Funding for this article is subject to approval of an application by the Town for <br /> funding assistance, in the form of a zero interest loan, from the Massachusetts Water <br /> Pollution Abatement Trust State Revolving (loan) Fund. Should the Town's application <br /> not be approved, the Commission's intent is to seek alternate funding at the October <br /> Annual Town Meeting. <br /> Recommendation: The Finance Committee recommends approval. <br /> 16 <br />