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ARTICLE 19 <br /> To see if the Town will vote to have the Board of Selectmen appoint a Library Addition <br /> j Building Committee of not less than 7 nor more than 13 members to oversee <br /> construction of an addition to the existing town library and raise and appropriate or take <br /> from available funds the sum of$5,000 to be distributed as follows; $3,000 to the <br /> Library Building Expense Account and $2,000 to the Personnel Salary/Wage Account, or <br /> take any other action relating thereto. <br /> Submitted by the Board of Library Trustees <br /> Explanation: A building committee is needed to move the project forward. Part of the <br /> committee's charge will be to seek sources of federal, state, and local funding, as well <br /> as private donations. Expense money will be needed for such things as putting together <br /> bid packages, advertising, and reimbursement for travel to other library sites to research <br /> design features and to view facilities designed and built by prospective bidders. <br /> i Recommendation: The Finance Committee recommends approval. <br /> ARTICLE 20 <br /> To see if the Town will vote to designate the"Belcher"or"Mingo" property to be <br /> ti acquired pursuant to the vote under Article 21 of the October 5, 1998 Annual Town <br /> Meeting as an open space land acquisition pursuant to the provisions of the Cape Cod <br /> Open Space Land Acquisition Program established by Chapter 293 of the acts of 1998, <br /> to authorize the use of Land Bank funds for such acquisition, and to seek matching <br /> j funds from the Cape Cod Land and Aquifer Protection Fund administered by the State <br /> Secretary of Environmental Affairs under said act, or take any other action relating <br /> thereto. <br /> �I <br /> � Submitted by Board of Selectmen and the <br /> Open Space Committee <br /> Explanation: This article authorizes the acquisition of land originally approved at the <br /> October 5, 1998 Town Meeting and provides funding using so-called "Land Bank"funds. <br /> At the October 5, 1998 Town Meeting, voters approved the purchase of the"Belcher"or <br /> "Town Forest" property and authorized the Town to borrow and to issue bonds or notes <br /> for $2,300,000 to pay for the land. On November 14, 1998, the Town voted at an <br /> election to exempt the amounts required to pay for the property from the Proposition <br /> 21/2 cap. At that time there was not a "Land Bank"fund which could be used to finance <br /> this purchase. In November 1998 the Town of Mashpee voted to approve an additional <br /> excise tax on real property in an amount equal to 3% of the real estate tax levy to <br /> provide for the purchase of Open Space. The intent of this article is to allow the voters <br /> of Mashpee to use the approved 3% "Land Bank Tax"funds to pay for the"Belcher" <br /> property as Open Space and to avoid additional taxation by separately funding this <br /> purchase through a debt exclusion. <br /> 18 <br />