<br /> It is important to note that the United States Department of Fisheries and Wildlife has
<br /> expressed interest in a possible purchase of this property from the Town of Mashpee at
<br /> some future date. Any Conservation or deed restrictions placed on this property by the
<br /> Conservation Commission or Land Bank purchase could reduce the value of the property
<br /> and therefore reduce the amount of money the USF&W would pay for the property.
<br /> The USF&W does not currently have the funding for this purchase, but may at some
<br /> future time. The people of Mashpee must decide how they desire to pay for this land,
<br /> and if they want to consider the potential future purchase of the"Town Forest" by the
<br /> USF&W. A yes vote will pay for the land from already committed "Land Bank"funds
<br /> and not from a separate tax outside of the limits of Proposition 21/2.
<br /> Recommendation: The Finance Committee recommends approval.
<br /> ARTICLE 21
<br /> To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to acquire, by purchase or
<br /> otherwise, for conservation purposes all or a portion of a certain parcels of land shown
<br /> as lots 164-184 on a "Definitive Plan of Land in Mashpee, Mass. Prepared for Daniel C.
<br /> Hostetter" dated April 7, 1987 by Cape Cod Survey Consultants, 3261 Main St., Route
<br /> 6A, Barnstable Village MA 02630, containing 8.08 acres, more or less, along with the
<br /> adjacent portions of Windygate Road and Bonnie Blink Road, as well as lot 221A and
<br /> that portion of lot 189 A lying east of Bryant's Cove Road, as shown on a "Definitive
<br /> Plan of Land, Quinaquisset Avenue, Mashpee, Massachusetts prepared for: Willowbend
<br /> Development Corp." dated September 13, 1993 by Defeo, Wait & Pare, Inc, 31 Bellows
<br /> Road, Raynham, MA 02767, being that land shown on the 1998 Mashpee Assessors'
<br /> Maps as Map 77, Blocks 148-157, 159-170 and that portion of Block 158 lying east of
<br /> Bryant's Cove Road, to be held in the care and custody of the Conservation Commission
<br /> pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 40, Section 8C; and further, to see if
<br /> the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or transfer from available funds, $1,500,000
<br /> for such purpose, including expenses incidental and related thereto, and to raise such
<br /> appropriation, the Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, be authorized to
<br /> borrow $1,500,000 or any other sum under and pursuant to Chapter 44, Sections 7 and
<br /> 8C and, if applicable, Chapter 40, section 8C of the General laws, or any other enabling
<br /> authority, and to issue bonds or notes of the Town therefor; with said borrowing to be
<br /> repaid with funds from the Land Bank Fund established by the Town under the
<br /> provisions of Chapter 293 of the Acts of 1998 (An Act Relative to the Establishment of
<br /> the Cape Cod Open Space Land Acquisition Program); and further, to see if the Town
<br /> will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds $10,000 to the
<br /> Issuance of Debt Account; and further, to see if the Town will authorize the Board of
<br /> Selectmen and / or Conservation Commission to apply for and accept Federal, State
<br /> and/or County grants, including reimbursement under Chapter 132A, Section 11 of the
<br /> General Laws, the "Self-Help Act", to be applied by the Town toward the financing of
<br /> this purchase, and to enter into contracts or agreements with Federal, State and/or
<br /> County agencies, private conservation trusts or other entities or persons in connection
<br /> with the purchase of such land and its preservation for conservation purposes, including
<br /> enforcement of conservation restrictions on the land; and finally, to see if the Town will
<br /> authorize the Conservation Commission and the Board of Selectmen to enter into
<br /> agreements and execute any and all instruments as may be necessary on behalf of the
<br /> 19
<br />