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A <br /> Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Board voted unanimously <br /> to grant the request for a special permit and to impose the following <br /> conditions, restrictions and recommendations: <br /> 1) This special permit authorizes the construction of a <br /> condominium complex only; and not a multi-family rental development. <br /> 2) The following conditions must be satisfied prior to to the <br /> commencement of any development of construction activity whatsoever; <br /> and prior to the issuance of any building permits. A Certificate of <br /> Compliance must be obtained from the Board of Appeals and recorded with <br /> the Town Clerk upon completion of the following conditions: <br /> A) The developer will satisfy the Police Chief of A`ashpee <br /> as to all public safety issues, and obtain a letter to <br /> that effect. <br /> B) The Petitioner will satisfy the Fire Chief of Mashpee <br /> as to fire safety, fire alarms, and fire suppression, <br /> and obtain a letter to that effect. <br /> C) The Petitioner will provide a parking area as shown on <br /> the proposed plan labeled: Summerwood - Section 1, dated <br /> September 10, 1980, so that parking is provided in front <br /> of the building units in close proximity to each unit, <br /> with clearly marked spaces. There shall be two parking <br /> spaces for each living unit. <br /> D) Sidewalks shall be provided along both sides of all road- <br /> ways, within each cluster, and on one side of the roadway <br /> otherwise. <br /> E) The plan provides for only two bedroom units. <br /> I <br /> F) No closets shall be sixty square feet or more. <br /> -2- <br /> d <br />