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A <br />BOARD OF APPEALS Minutes - February 1, 1989 Page 2. <br />Cheryl Hawver volunteered to prepare drafts of the Annual and Quarterly <br />Reports from the Board of Appeals to be reviewed at the next meeting on <br />February 22, 1989. <br />NOTICE OF APPEAL - James Kerrigan (owner of record: Thomas R. Saunders) <br />hereby appeals the Building Inspector's decision to deny the construction <br />of a single family dwelling on a non -conforming lot in an R-2 zoning <br />district on property located at 30 Lettie Lane (Map 36, Lot 47B) Mashpee,MA. <br />NOTICE OF APPEAL - James Kerrigan (owner of record: Thomas R. Saunders) <br />hereby appeals the Building Inspector's decision to deny the construction <br />of a single family dwelling on a non -conforming lot in a C-2 zoning district <br />on property located at 11 Lettie.Lane (Map 36, Lot 47B) Mashpee, MA. <br />Both Appeals were heard at meeting of November 30, 1988 and the <br />Board voted to take both under advisement. <br />Members sitting: W. Hanrahan, C. Hawver, M. Makunas <br />The members of the Board reviewed the plans of the lots in question and <br />discussed the basis of the Building Inspector's decision to deny the permits. <br />They determined that the condition of Goodspeed Meetinghouse Road was the <br />prime concern and does not provide adequate access for emergency vehicles. <br />Mr. Makunas moved to support the Building Inspector's decision and to <br />deny the petitions without prejudice and suggest that the Planning Board <br />• review this subdivision. Mrs. Hawver seconded. All agreed. <br />EDWARD R. WASIL - Requests a Special Permit under Section 10 of the <br />Zoning By-law requirements for permission to exceed the signage requirements <br />in an R-3 zoning district on property located on Great Neck Road South and <br />Donna's Lane (Map 81, Lot 4) Mashpee, MA. <br />Members sitting: W. Hanrahan, E. Govoni, R. Halpern <br />This petition had been continued from June 8, 1988. Mr. Halpern <br />reported that the Special Permit was not needed since the petitioner <br />had revised signage plans to conform to the by-laws. The Board voted <br />to send a determination to close the file to the Town Clerk. <br />Elinor Walsh <br />• <br />