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MASHPEE BOARD OF APPEALS <br />MINUTES <br />February 22, 1989 <br />At 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, February 22, 1989 the Mashpee Board of <br />Appeals held a meeting at the Mashpee Town Hall. Board members present <br />and acting throughout were William J. Hanrahan, Michael A. Makunas and <br />Richard Halpern. Douglas Boyd, Building Inspector, was in attendance. <br />JOHN MALLOY - Requests a Special Permit under Section 6, subsection <br />19 of the Land Use Requirements to construct and maintain a walkway, pier, <br />ramp, float and dock facility in an R-3 zoning district for property located <br />at Lot 166 Whippoorwill Circle (Map 125, Block 151) Mashpee, MA pursuant <br />to an application dated Jan. 14, 1987. After a hearing held on April 1, <br />1987 the Board of Appeals on June 26, 1987 filed decision with the Mashpee <br />Town Clerk on such application and an appeal to the Barnstable Superior <br />Court (Civil Action No. 87-593) was taken therefrom. Subsequently, such <br />application was remanded to the Board of Appeals by the Barnstable Superior <br />Court for the purposes of reopening the Public Hearing on this matter. <br />Members sitting: W. Hanrahan, M. Makunas and R. Halpern <br />Mr. Hanrahan announced that the Board had received a letter from Patrick <br />• <br />Toomey, attorney for Mr. Malloy, asking for a continuance of the hearing <br />due to the illness of their shellfish surveyor. Mr. Halpern moved to <br />continue the hearing to March 22, 1989. Mr. Makunas seconded. All agreed. <br />EDWARD R.. WASIL - (Dick & Ellie's Flea Market) - Request a renewal <br />of Special Permit Case No. SP -84-03-01, Condition No. 14. <br />Members sitting: W. Hanrahan, M. Makunas and R. Halpern <br />Attorney Ron Jansson represented the petitioner. He explained that <br />Mr. and Mrs. Wasil had owned the property for 23 years and sold it on <br />December 30, 1988 to Charles Talanian, Trustee of the Chatal Realty Trust. <br />The Wasils have leased the land for 1989 and are applying for a renewal <br />of the Special Permit to operate the flea market. The lease runs to Labor <br />Day but the Wasils will request an extension to October 12, 1989. <br />Mr. Jansson reviewed complaints received in 1988 on a vendor selling <br />X-rated movies and said Mr. Wasil had prohibited the vendor from selling <br />on the property. He said he understood that some of the local merchants <br />objected to the flea market because some of the merchandise is sold at lower <br />prices than similar merchandise in local stores. Mr. Jansson stated that <br />he did not feel this was a zoning consideration. <br />