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• <br />• <br />Mashpee Board of Appeals <br />Wasil (cont.) <br />Minutes - February 22, 1989 Page 2. <br />He reviewed conditions 21 and 22 of the 1988 Special Permit which <br />required repair of Donna's Lane. He explained that the abutting owner, <br />Jolen Corp., was in bankruptcy and he considered the condition requiring <br />the participation of Jolen Corp. in repairing the hardtop illegal. <br />Donna's Lane has now been closed to through traffic. Mr. Jansson stated <br />that he had reviewed the status of Donna's Lane with Leslie Morse, <br />Assistant Town Counsel, and he understood she would be sending the Board <br />a letter confirming their agreement on the interpretation of the law. <br />Elias McQuaid, Town Health Agent, submitted a revision of Condition 1116 <br />to the Board. The suggested revision requested that no food products of <br />any type could be sold with the exception of the hot dog stand, which must <br />meet the State sanitary code requirements and be licensed by the Board <br />of Health. It included the recommendation that no cosmetic or medical <br />supplies could be sold without a State food and drug permit and that <br />adequate sanitary facilities, including handwashing facilities, would be <br />made available to snack bar employees and the general public. <br />Mr. Jansson explained that the Wasil lease for 1989 does not include <br />the restaurant, Fabio's. In the past, the hot dog stand was run by Fabio's. <br />He did not know what the plans for the restaurant were. Mr. Halpern <br />discussed a letter from Pickwick's complaining of flea market customers <br />using the rest rooms. Mr. Jansson replied that Pickwick's may not be <br />open in 1989. He said Mr. Wasil provided three portable toilets and <br />would provide more if needed. <br />Mr. Hanrahan questioned the status of Donna's Lane. Mr. Jansson <br />said that Donna's Lane is used for parking and is not included in the <br />lease agreement for 1989. Mr. Wasil explained that he had widened the <br />road last year and taken out trees. <br />Mr. Makunas suggested that Article 21 be modified to ask the Highway <br />Department to make a ruling on the safety of Donna's Lane and to have the <br />issue resolved before the opening of the Flea Market. <br />Diane Pettengill, representing the Mashpee Chamber of Commerce, <br />informed the Board that the Chamber was not opposed to the Flea Market <br />but asked that the permit include a condition that the Flea Market <br />abide by the laws of the Town and the State concerning transient vendors. <br />Mr. Makunas suggested that section 3. be modified to include the Town <br />General By-laws. <br />Mr. Halpern said he had discussed the licensing with the Police Dept. <br />and was informed that the permit for the entire Flea Market included <br />peddlers' licenses. Mr. Hanrahan stated that the licenses were not <br />under the jurisdiction of the Board of Appeals. <br />