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Mashpee Board of Appeals Minutes - February 22, 1989 Page 3. <br />Wasil (cont.) <br />• Mr. Peter Hartel spoke in support of Ms. Pettengill's comments <br />and stated that the Town could use the additional revenue from license <br />fees and that retailers have to pay for permits and Design Review. <br />Mr. Hanrahan moved to revise condition 113 to read: "Applicant must <br />comply with all State, County and Town health laws and municipal By-laws <br />and regulations in the operation of the flea market." <br />Mr. Makunas moved to revise Section 16 with a verbatim copy of the <br />Board of Health memo. Mr. McQuaid commented that the section on hand <br />washing could be excluded. He suggested that paragraph 3 read: <br />"Adequate sanitary facilities shall be made available to the general <br />public attending the flea market." <br />Mr. Hanrahan moved that Section 20 and 21 be combined and read: <br />"the approval of the Highway Department be obtained for the use of <br />Donna's Lane for the Flea Market." <br />Mr. Makunas moved to grant the special permit to coincide with the <br />lease date but no later than December 31, 1989. Mr. Hanrahan seconded. <br />All agreed. <br />A. Barbara Mulloney - Requests a Special Permit under Section 5.1 of the <br />• Land Use Requirements for permission to extend pre-existing non -conforming <br />use in an R-3 zoning district on property located at 26 Nick Trail (Map <br />117, Block 247) Mashpee, MA. <br />Members sitting: W. Hanrahan, M. Makunas and R. Halpern <br />Thomas Mullaney, builder, represented the petition. He explained that <br />the owners wish to replace a summer cottage with a year-round home. The <br />new home will have the same foundation size but two feet less of overhang <br />on all four sides. The new dwelling will be less non -conforming than <br />the present house. <br />Mr. Hanrahan moved to grant the Special Permit. Mr. Halpern seconded. <br />All agreed. <br />Edward Palank - Requests a Special Permit under Section 5.1 of the <br />Land use Requirements for permission to construct a closet addition in <br />an R-3 zoning district on property located at 181 Daniel's Island Road <br />(Map 100, Lot 39) Mashpee, MA. <br />Members sitting: W. Hanrahan, M. Makunas and R. Halpern <br />The Board had received a letter from Dr. Palank explaining his <br />inability to attend the meeting. Mr. Halpern moved to continue to <br />March 8, 1989. Mr. Hanrahan seconded. All agreed. <br />• <br />