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(Nick Feldman had to leave at 7:10 PM). <br /> 2. Mashnee Youth Council - Council has not met recently. The last meeting had <br /> approximately 12 students. Still working on skate board. Gus is seeking legal <br /> information If there are no ramps and jumps, the town would be exempt from <br /> liability. Nauset has jumps and has had no problems. <br /> 3. Mashnee Human Services <br /> A discussion on developing Human Services Committee took place. 2 Department <br /> heads - Health Department, Leisure Services to oversee contracts Town has with <br /> providers this would ensure that providers are giving services. Group meets the <br /> last Wednesday of the month at the Senior Center. <br /> 4. Cane Cod Neighborhood Sunnort - This month establishing Action Plan. Key <br /> areas - lack of transportation, teen location for center. Formalized packet will be <br /> presented to the community. <br /> 5. Recreation Plan - Copy of Recreation plan was passed out. Gus asked members to <br /> review and make comments or concerns and return to him. <br /> 6. Together We Can Undate - There will be another meeting Wednesday at 3:45. Looking <br /> for Steering Committee members. Putting together prevention plan for Cape & <br /> Island Substance Abuse program. Gus explained how Together We Can started. <br /> $5,000. total grant for this year. <br /> B. New Business - <br /> 1. Computerized Recreation Registration. Because of the growth due to the new <br /> high school Gus mentioned we are looking for a computer registration program. <br /> Ron Roberts and Pat Riley will be working on computer ideas and will meet during <br /> the month. <br /> 2. Capital Improvement Plan - Discussed 5 year plan that was approved. Each year <br /> plan has to be reviewed again. Drawing of recreation building was passed out for <br /> review and suggestions. EOCD Grant money was discussed. Linda Young will can <br /> architect to get idea of approximate cost. Gus discussed capital improvement <br /> procedures and mentioned having public hearing regarding the Rec Building. <br /> Maureen suggested only having three agenda items next meeting - the Rec Plan <br /> being one of them and inviting parents, little league, and soccer. <br /> 3. High School building Usage - Gus suggested listing concerns regarding use of <br /> building. Usage of building after hours was discussed. <br /> VI. Adiournment - <br /> Maureen Paxton made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 PM. Terrie Cook <br /> seconded. Motion carried. <br /> Submitted by, <br /> jean Young <br /> Recording Secretary <br />