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F <br /> 4. High School Building Usage - Maureen Paxton discussed the by-laws with <br /> regard to responsibility of building maintenance, how would it be decided, and the <br /> need to have something in writing. John Williams said that the architect might be <br /> able to assist with some figures. A discussion on the possible usage of the new <br /> high school took place. Mr. Williams discussed the importance of having well- <br /> trained teachers in the evening. Gus mentioned his concern over having good <br /> understanding over who takes precedence regarding building usage. <br /> John Williams reminded Gus that both gyms in the new high school would <br /> probably be in use from Thanksgiving until mid-March but because the 7th and <br /> 8th graders would be at the high school the Middle School gym would be available. <br /> He mentioned that the Superintendent approves building usage. Maureen Paxton <br /> said that it would be helpful if the principals approved building use first then it <br /> went through to the Superintendent. A master calendar would be extremely <br /> helpful. <br /> B. New Business - <br /> 1. Mashnee Youth Center at Coombs - A discussion took place regarding the Youth <br /> Center being held at Tiger Fist. Program opened last March and has outgrown the <br /> space. Tiger Fist has also been expanding and needs the room. Niki Mills asked if <br /> Leisure Services would be interested in sponsoring the Youth Center and having it <br /> at the Coombs School starting in January. Leisure Services would hire a minimum <br /> of one staff person for Friday Night Sports which is starting December 8. <br /> Additonal staff would be hired if necessary. <br /> Niki is looking for Advisory Board members. The Youth Center program will cost <br /> $5.00 for registration and 50 cents per night. Brien Hyde discussed concept of <br /> Youth Center and a discussion took place on how both programs would be held at <br /> the same time. <br /> A discussion followed regarding how the grades would be split up between the <br /> Friday Night Sports and the Youth Center and that it would be best to just start off <br /> using the Coombs School as the Middle School gym would be in use because of the <br /> start of the soccer program. Gus discussed opening the cafeteria from 6:30-8:30 for <br /> the Youth Center group and the gym for Friday Night Sports having the younger <br /> kids - 4th and 5th grades - leaving by 8:30 and then allowing the Youth Center kids <br /> to use the gym. Brian Hyde felt the rules were too vague and that definite rules <br /> and regulations would need to be written up so everyone was clear on the <br /> operation. <br /> Niki Mills wants to come each month to the Leisure Services meeting with an <br /> update of the Youth Center programs. <br /> V. Adiournment - Ron Roberts made motion to adjourn. Pat Riley seconded. <br /> Meeting adjourned at 8:35 PM. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Jean Young <br /> Recording Secretary <br />