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1 <br /> Tom asked if, given the limited number of historic structures, does it make sense to create a <br /> historic district,especially since there is not concentrated village. <br /> How much more area is there available for new construction within the proposed boundaries? <br /> Would be dealing mostly with existing structures. <br /> The former Attaquin hotel location has since been purchased for open space. <br /> Walter Yaroush asked if there are regulations for review of new construction on historic sties vs. <br /> rehab of existing historic structures? <br /> Mashpee does not have any regulations in place at this point bu a Historic District has review <br /> authority. Creating regulations is a task of this Study Committee. Those regulations then have to <br /> be voted on by the town and a Commission is crated with regulatory authority. <br /> Walter said Mashpee is unique and those review standards need to reflect the image of Mashpee. <br /> Tom said it was previously determined that the style is mostly Greed revival with a little Queen <br /> Anne influence. Most common factor was the structures were small. <br /> Another option is a neighborhood conservation district;the standards are not has high, it is more <br /> advisory than regulatory. Lee is not a fan of NCDs. <br /> Tom has 1997 aerials of the area, he will bring to the next meeting. <br /> What is the likelihood of the District getting support? <br /> Tom thinks the concept would have support, it depends on the regulations and how burdensome <br /> they are. <br /> Lee said now that there are CPA funds available,possibly to improve properties,there is a <br /> "carrot". <br /> Members discussed starting on a smaller scope, in order to get support of residents. Tom said <br /> procedurally that is more difficult because a new study committee has to be formed at town <br /> meeting each time the town wants to look into a new district. <br /> Walter said the regulation need to be ready and a lot of education of the residents in the district <br /> has to happen. <br /> Ginny asked if a survey was ever done of the property owners within the proposed districts? <br /> There was not. The prior committee never discussed any regulatory issues. <br /> Tom explained the original schedule had a town meeting article for October town meeting,which <br /> has a deadline of July 15 t for warrant articles to be ready. Is that feasible at this point? May town <br /> meeting has a deadline for articles of February. <br /> The Cape Cod Commission grant has been extended to the end of Dec. 06. <br /> Lee does not want to loose the funding but Oct does not seem doable. Can the grant be <br /> extended?. <br /> Everyone agreed Tom should ask for an extension of the grant . He is pretty sure that it can be <br /> extended. <br /> 2 <br />