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Violation and Penalties - it was agreed first violation is a$50 fine, second violation $100. <br /> The members reviewed the proposed bylaw and suggested several changes. <br /> Leave the Bylaw numbers blank at this time. <br /> Determine the strength of the carry out bags. (more than 4 mils thick) <br /> Address the vegetable bags (not included in this ban) <br /> Take#1 definition out and renumber(call it reusable bag) <br /> Insert 12 months from date of adoption <br /> Add newspapers or other items <br /> Insert numbering system for reference purposes <br /> Bags to be phased out within 12 months from the date of adoption <br /> Correct punctuation <br /> Ok with using the word "single use" (see definition less than 3 mills) <br /> Exemptions and alternatives—ie: newspapers, product bags,potted plants or where dampness <br /> may be a problem. <br /> Eliminate Reusable bag definition <br /> Upon completion of the draft and review by EOC, it will be sent to the Town Manager for a <br /> determination of how to proceed. The draft should also be sent to Town Counsel for initial <br /> review. Once a final draft is approved, it will be sent to the Chamber of Commerce for their <br /> approval. The EOC will also send the final draft to the Board of Selectmen for their review and <br /> approval. <br /> ACTION ITEMS UPDATE <br /> Mashpee CWMP <br /> Fertilizer Bylaw and MDAR State-wide Plant Nutrient Regulations; Violations of Nitrogen <br /> Control Bylaw and Enforcement.Issues <br /> Michael Talbot explained the Nitrogen Control Bylaw states the first application date for <br /> fertilizing is April 14 and there will be no application during heavy rain and no application to <br /> impervious surfaces, He said in Mid-March he observed a TruGreen truck that was fertilizing a <br /> lawn that hadn't broke dormancy yet. He told them they were in violation and he wasn't able to <br /> get in touch with management. The Conservation Agent sent out a certified letter to TruGreen's <br /> management in Sagamore notifying them of the violation. Mr. Talbot said he sent out an email <br /> notice to all of the members of the Cape Cod Landscape Association reminding them of the <br /> regulations and noted TruGreen is not a member of CCLA. He said a couple of weeks later he <br /> saw a Lawn Dawg truck in Quashnet and he informed them of the regulations. On April 1,he <br /> received a call from a landscaper in Willowbend and they confronted a landscaper from Bas <br /> Lawn Care and he not only refused to stop fertilizing but said he had 14 more lawns to do. A <br /> call was made to the Board of Health and the response was "duly noted". We have no idea if it <br /> was ever enforced. Mr. Talbot said he has made several attempts to meet with the Board of <br />