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between use of large and small trucks. It was suggested that Mr. Cavossa determine the number <br />of trips and submit a traffic study at the end of each year, as part of the contract. Mr. Jack noted <br />that Cape Cod Commission traffic study threshold was referenced in his proposal. Mr. Richard <br />inquired whether the Board would prefer to request reimbursement so as to conduct an <br />independent traffic study. The Chair noted that funds were also needed to hire a consultant to <br />assist with the permitting process. Mr. Tilton suggested that funds could be held in escrow and <br />Mr. Jack noted that, rather than taking the funds, language in the contract could require the funds <br />if needed. <br />Mr. Jack referenced the RFP process, and the limited response, stating his preference to make an <br />agreement work for the towns to benefit. The Chair responded that she preferred Cavossa's <br />proposal to Recycling Solutions' proposal. Mr. Jack pointed out that Cavossa's vehicles were <br />already traveling in the area, though the Chair noted that trucks on the lower Cape had been <br />tipping in Yarmouth. <br />Mr. Jack proposed countering a fee structure of $5,000 for the first 3 months, $6,500 for months <br />4-12 and $8,000 for the following years, which would help to also close the differentials of the <br />two types of pay structures. The Chair referenced the final price point and inquired whether a <br />permit for C&D would make the site more valuable. Mr. Jack responded that $8,000 could be <br />the amount for MSW and a higher value could be determined if C&D were included. Mr. <br />Richard inquired about running both C&D and MSW concurrently and Mr. Barrett responded <br />that the site was tight to do both at the same time. Mr. Barrett agreed that the figure could be <br />pushed for C&D. The Chair suggested a fixed rate that increased to $10,000 if C&D was being <br />accepted. <br />The Proposal would read as such: <br />Signature of contract to operation would be $5,000 <br />Balance of first year $6,500 <br />Subsequent years $8,000 if MSW, $10,000 if C&D <br />There was discussion regarding the contract term originally identified as 2021, with option to <br />extend to 2025. Board members were suggesting a maximum of 3 years up front with possible <br />extension, in case another use presented itself. It was agreed that a 3 -year term would be offered <br />with 1 -year extensions, as a unilateral decision for the Board. <br />The Chair inquired about the Board's opinion regarding capital expenditures. Mr. Jack <br />suggested that Mr. Cavossa's expenditures would be his to own, referencing the functional <br />existing scale. There was discussion regarding the status of the existing scale and its updates. <br />Expenditures may need to be defined as to whether Cavossa would own the <br />expenditures/improvements or the Board. Mr. Barrett recommended that Counsel review <br />contract wording to protect the Board regarding Cavossa investments. Mr. Segura stated that <br />improvements to the building and grounds would belong to the Board, but equipment would be a <br />different story. <br />There was also discussion regarding the tank located at the site, its liability and whether it should <br />be removed before the end of the year. Regarding the tank and contract, the Chair stated that the <br />2 <br />