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71 Echo Road (continued) <br />• Mr. Ojala said he spoke with the neighbor across the street and he is in support of this <br />proposal. <br />• Moving fire hydrant about 25 feet to the West. Applicant will work with Water Department to <br />make sure they use licensed contractor and under the supervision of the Water Department to <br />make sure everything up to code. <br />• Drainage system — all within State and By -Law storm water management guidelines. <br />• Will irrigate out front. Should look nice and be nice addition to the Town. <br />Committee comments <br />John Phelan, Fire Department. <br />• Dust collection system? Applicant responded they use cyclone system. Collect dust in bags <br />inside and use air filters to push around. John Phelan said he will check to be sure it meets <br />Fire Department requirements or if anything else may be required. <br />• Sprinkler system in building? Applicant responded "no" because building under 7500 feet so <br />would not anticipate doing a fire suppression system. <br />• Dumpster on site ... Mr. Ojala said Board of Health required so they added a dumpster. He <br />showed proposed location and said if needed they will supply amended Plan. <br />• Gate access/fencing. Very large swinging gates. John Phelan advised Knox lock box to be <br />attached for Fire Department access. <br />Catherine Laurent DPW <br />• Curbed or bermed entrance? Cape Cod berm proposed. Mr. Ojala said this is on a lot of <br />roadways in the area and holds up very well. <br />• Catherine said they also need a recycling container for things such as cardboard. They will <br />install. <br />Tom Fudala, Town Planner <br />• Loading dock drainage does not meet Mashpee code so would probably need a variance. <br />Jonathan Furbush commented if looking for relief, state that in ZBA variance application. <br />• Landscape Plan a little different than Engineering Plan—removed 1 handicap parking space. <br />Applicant said they didn't need it so they did eliminate 1 at the last minute. <br />Jonathan Furbush, ZBA <br />• It is required that dumpster be fenced in. <br />• Lighting? Small, ground lights and building mounted lights will just be down cast. Mike <br />Mendoza commented lighting should be kept on site. <br />• Hours of operation? Response: probably 7:30 to 6 p.m. — Monday to Saturday. <br />2 <br />