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104 Falmouth Road (continued) <br />• Site completely buffered from any kind of visibility. <br />• Took into account Fire Department requirements ----sprinklers and alarm systems all marked. <br />• May end up with less units if they get bigger vehicles. <br />• Very little traffic. <br />During the discussion Stuart commented that they are allowed to detail cars. Jonathan Furbush said <br />"no" because no car washing allowed. Stuart said they don't do anymore; he said detailer on other <br />lot. <br />Committee comments/questions: <br />Rodney Collins asked how many RVs outside. Stuart Bornstein responded "36 altogether". Michael <br />Mendoza asked are those 36 spaces for combination of RVs and boats. Stuart Bornstein answered <br />that is correct. <br />Jack Phelan asked where regular parking spaces going to be for people who come to access their <br />storage unit. Joseph Cummings also asked about this parking. Stuart Bornstein said his engineer is <br />coming on Wednesday and will make it more clear on Site Plan. Jack Phelan reminded Mr. Bornstein <br />that 24' fire access must be maintained. Jack also pointed out that Plan shows parking, but it is <br />unreasonable to think people will be walking all the way around the building to access their unit. Jack <br />said Fire Department will have to review the final Plan. <br />Rodney Collins said at last Board of Selectmen meeting some concerns were raised and asked if <br />these were addressed. Stuart Bornstein responded "yes". <br />Rodney said at Selectmen meeting one of the issues was regarding sales or rentals and that was <br />never clarified. Stuart Bornstein said he only sells on website; no physical salesmen, no physical <br />signs at site. Mike Mendoza said but when talking about looking for a dealer's plate, then it's a <br />dealership and that would be a change of use. Chief Collins said that was part of the problem at the <br />Selectmen's meeting; and they wanted a clear answer. Stuart Bornstein said he is not looking to run <br />a dealership. He said in this State in order to sell somebody's car as a company, even on the <br />Internet, then you have to have dealer's plate. Mike Mendoza said this is probably something Town <br />Counsel will have to address_ <br />Jonathan Furbush asked how many parking spaces are required. Stuart Bornstein said he doesn't <br />know. Jonathan said they will be looking for exact number of spaces shown on Site Plan. <br />Tom Fudala asked whether incubator space in building #1 being changed to storage. Stuart <br />Bornstein responded "yes, they have Plans for it". Tom said the Plan has to be provided to the <br />Planning Board. Stuart said he will do that. <br />Tom Fudala stated the Planning Board already approved Special Permit modification to allow sales, <br />so Planning Board done with that. He said right now Planning Board to have a Public Hearing for RV <br />and boat storage and Applicant coming in with changes for building #2 tomorrow night and asking the <br />Planning Board to waive the Public Hearing process, which the Board can do. <br />PA <br />