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1178 Great Hay Road (continued) <br />• Mike Mendoza asked if Applicant is aware that any doors or access from this proposed <br />addition going out will have to be alarmed in accordance with Massachusetts State Building <br />Code. Mr. Fronius responded "yes". <br />• Catherine Laurent questioned parking. Mr. Fronius said there are 2 parking spaces there now. <br />He said he has a very long driveway -2 parking spaces at right-hand side; then parking in <br />driveway in front of the house. All parking will be on the property. He said they can park 10 <br />cars in the driveway. <br />• Glen Harrington noted full basement to the addition. Mr. Fronius said no plans to do anything <br />with the basement, but will connect to the other basement. <br />Motion: Glen Harrington motioned to approve the in-law apartment for 1178 Great Hay Road with <br />conditions that: <br />• The house is limited to 3 bedrooms. <br />• Floor Plans are provided for the existing dwelling prior to Building Permit. <br />• Fence is enclosed and alarmed around the pool. <br />• All on-site driveway is used for parking, <br />Scott Carfine seconded this motion; and it was unanimously passed by Plan Review and Design <br />Review. <br />Building 40 (51 Market St.) and <br />Building 42 (61 Market Street) <br />Agent: Thomas Feronti & John Connell <br />Mixed-use building with commercial space on the <br />Ground floor and apartments upper level(s). <br />Tom Feronti and John Connell were present. Tom Feronti said they are presenting 2 buildings. He <br />said they are the 2 foundations in the ground right now; and will be mixed-use buildings. Buildings will <br />be sprinkled. Addressing the buildings one at a time: <br />Building 40 (51 Market St.) <br />• Multi -story building that has commercial space on ground floor and 2 levels of apartments. <br />• Commercial space design right now shown to have kitchen but that's only if a restaurant <br />wanted to go in that space. If there was a restaurant for that space and outdoor dining, <br />Mashpee Commons would come back to this Board for Plan Review. <br />• Applicant has gone through extensive Site Plan process with ZBA and at that time worked with <br />Fire Department and covered parking to be provided on site ---10 spaces off-street parking for <br />apartments; 14 on -street spaces for commercial. <br />• Until they determine use, Applicant uses all 4 uses in determining number of parking spaces <br />needed. <br />• Mike Mendoza voiced concern that a proposed restaurant might be looking for outdoor seating. <br />Tom Feronti said if there would be a restaurant with outdoor seating it would go in the North <br />side of the building and outdoor seating would front on Storrs Road and there would be <br />enough space for folks to get around outdoor dining. He said it is all conceptual at this point <br />and if no outdoor seating then will just be a wider sidewalk there. Mr. Feronti also stated that <br />2 <br />