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fib Echo Road—Minor Modification (continued) <br />Jack Phelan noted the change would be about 300 square feet difference. Jack said modification is <br />fine as long as it meets Fire Department radius access requirement. <br />Mike Mendoza commented this would be controlled construction. Also, he said updated paperwork to <br />show all changes would have to be submitted. <br />Glen Harrington questioned the use of the building. Mr. Seminara responded it would be wholesale <br />trade storage. <br />Glen said right now plan shows 4 bathrooms centrally located ----2 of them handicap bathrooms. Glen <br />asked if renting to 1 or separate vendors. Mr. Seminara said he would like to rent to 1, but they have <br />ability to do a 60-40 split. Glen said the original condition to have bathrooms in each rental unit is to <br />be maintained. Mr. Seminara said he is looking for 2 tenants and that requires 4 bathrooms. Mike <br />Mendoza stated a Plumbing Code issue could arise if you start divvying up the unit. Also, Mike noted <br />that certificate of occupancy for each unit is required if divvied up. <br />MOTION: Tom Fudala motioned to recommend approval with no conditions. Rodney Collins <br />seconded the motion. <br />Discussion: <br />Glen Harrington proposed amending the motion to approve with condition to maintain with the original <br />approvals for the building so we don't omit the original conditions that were approved for the building. <br />Jack Phelan noted Floor Plan submitted is a mirror image that was flip-flopped so Floor Plan is <br />incorrect for this building. <br />AMENDED MOTION: Tom Fudala motioned to recommend approval as long as the mirrored Floor <br />Plan is flipped to right direction; original approval conditions are retained; and new Floor Plan is <br />submitted. Rodney Collins seconded this amended motion; and it was unanimously passed by Plan <br />Review and by Design Review. <br />50 Market Street Building <br />Mixed use building with commercial space on the <br />Ground floor and two floors of apartments. <br />Representative: Tom Feronti <br />Tom Feronti appeared and presented Site Plan for proposed Building 41, which is another in the <br />residential expansion. <br />Building 41 to be at corner of market Street and currently unnamed road, which they are <br />hoping to name Storrs Road and have Planning Board hearing tomorrow to address that. <br />• 8 residential parking spaces in lot East of the building; road spaces for open parking. <br />• Building is 3 stories -4 commercial spaces on ground floor. 3 spaces have entry doors on <br />Market Street; and one has entry door on Benefit Street. <br />• 2 floors of apartments—all one bedroom. 2 stairwells for access to apartments—entry doors <br />on Market Street. Main address will be 50-54 Market Street and each apartment individually <br />identified. <br />2 <br />