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figures in the report are based on 2014 budget numbers, since DHCD has not yet approved our Fiscal <br />Year 2015 budget. <br />Accounts Payables: Mrs. Botsford presented the warrants for signature. The warrants for signature <br />tonight are for the month of January 2015 and total as follows: $47,208.22 for 4001, $5,112.00 for <br />Section 8, $34,044.00 for MRVP, $31,476.46 for Asher's Path Apartments, $2,903.34 for the Housing <br />Assistance Program and $10,133.70 for Great Cove Community. <br />Mrs. Botsford reported we have all residents paid in full at all developments with the exception of a <br />couple at Breezy Acres and one at Great Cove that has a small balance. We are 100% occupied at all <br />properties. A motion was made by Ms. Allen and seconded by Mr. Shackett to accept the <br />Treasurer's Report as presented. The motion was adopted. <br />EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT & UPDATES: <br />Mrs. Botsford stated she had mailed her report for January and added the following: <br />Like everywhere, snow removal has been a very big challenge, as we are running out of places to <br />put it. Vincent has been doing an excellent job of trying to keep up with the plowing at Homeyer <br />Village, Breezy Acres, and Great Cove Community, while also doing the shoveling and snow <br />blowing. With Dave gone, we are down one part-time person, and it is a lot for one person to <br />handle. <br />Mrs. Botsford has been in contact with DHCD about opening the MRVP mobile voucher waiting list <br />for a period of two weeks in order to establish a list for the vouchers that we have to issue/re- <br />issue. We are required to advertise at least two weeks prior to the opening of the list and keep <br />the list open for two weeks minimum, so the earliest we could do it would be sometime in April <br />and she would need a board vote and DHCD approval in order to do so. A motion was made <br />by Ms. Allen and seconded by Mr. Shackett to seek approval from DHCD to open the <br />MRVP Mobile waiting lists, one- four bedrooms for a period of two weeks as soon as <br />April, if possible. The motion was adopted. Mrs. Botsford will send a letter to DHCD. <br />Recertifications just completed for both Homeyer Village and Breezy Acres residents and annual <br />inspections will be done next month. <br />OLD BUSINESS: none <br />NEW BUSINESS: <br />a) Snow Removal Policy: Mrs. Botsford stated that the current Snow Removal Policy had not been <br />reviewed or updated in quite some time, and now that we manage other properties she is <br />suggesting some changes, as outlined in the draft policy, which board members received prior to <br />the meeting. After a short discussion, a motion was made by Ms. Allen and seconded by <br />Mr. Laporte to approve newly updated Snow Removal Policy. The motion was <br />adopted. <br />b) Low Flow Toilet Project Ca ital Improvement Project: Mrs. Botsford stated that since DHCD has <br />granted our funding request for special funding under their Low Flow Toilet Project, they have <br />run a pilot program for a new product, which DHCD is recommending we use: the Niagara <br />Stealth. This is the only product available that will meet a 0.8gpf specification, and is 37% more <br />efficient. A board vote is needed in order to specify a proprietary product. After a short <br />discussion, a motion was made by Ms. Allen and seconded by Mr. Shackett to go <br />forward with the Low Flow Toilet Project, and spec the Niagara Stealth toilet to be <br />used in the job. The motion was adopted. <br />c) Mashpee Senior Housing. LLC Monitoring Agreement: Mrs. Botsford explained that she had been <br />approached by Beth Anderson who is interested in contracting with Mashpee Housing Authority to <br />monitor the six affordable units at the new facility being built on the corner of Route 151 and Old <br />Page 2 of 4 <br />