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although 3 sites had been eliminated. The 5 remaining sites included 950 Falmouth Road, 290 <br /> Old Barnstable Road, Ashumet Road, 572 Bates Road and 51 Mashpee Neck. The Chair <br /> reported that, although 950 Falmouth Road was a favorite,the Town withdrew its availability to <br /> sell the parcel, but Town Meeting rejected the Article. The Committee then focused its efforts <br /> on 209 Old Barnstable Road. The Chair reported that the Ashumet Road parcel was located <br /> adjacent to the Base and was also in the Clear Zone, creating challenges for acquiring HUD <br /> money. The Chair described recent efforts to update the Housing Production Plan in an effort to <br /> acquire funding for a feasibility study and renew certification. The Chair reported that the <br /> Production Plan had been signed off by the AHC,the Planning Board and possibly the Board of <br /> Selectmen. The AHC has also attended ZBA meetings, seminars and Habitat for Humanity <br /> events. Ms. Egloff recommended adding the confirmation of affordable housing count since it <br /> was an enormous task. <br /> Mashpee Housing Authority Presentation <br /> Leila Botsford, of the Mashpee Housing Authority, reported that she was most actively working <br /> on the Breezy Acres expansion, also known as Great Cove Community. Ms. Botsford stated that <br /> Breezy Acres included 6 front public housing units, but that the back piece of the parcel would <br /> be land-leased to Housing Assistance Corporation to develop affordable units that would not be <br /> public housing. The lenders of the new 10 units have requested a clear delineation of the two <br /> types of units. HAC has reported that all documents should be complete and ready to be <br /> reviewed by attorneys and a closing date determined in order to begin construction. HAC will be <br /> responsible for all aspects of construction, lasting approximately 11 months, and once complete, <br /> the Mashpee Housing Authority would serve as the manager of the property. There was <br /> discussion regarding the way in which the affordable units would be recorded with the state. Ms. <br /> Botsford stated that units were counted automatically when built with state fiends. It was <br /> suggested that DHCD tracked subsidized housing. <br /> When asked about the differences between public housing and affordable housing, Ms. Botsford <br /> explained that public housing was built with state or federal funds and rents were affordable at <br /> 30% of a person's income. Affordable housing is housing that was affordable for people at a <br /> certain area median income level. Ms. Egloff inquired about public assistance and eligibility <br /> requirements and Ms. Botsford confirmed that there were minimums and maximums. There was <br /> also discussion about annual re-certification for rental fees and challenges with tax credits for <br /> investors. Ms. Egloff referenced the possible lack of understanding that could occur when <br /> attempting to find support for workforce housing, as compared to public housing, or affordable <br /> housing developments and expressed interest in more discussion regarding the best way to <br /> market the idea of affordable housing. Ms. Egloff inquired about the needs of the area and Ms. <br /> Botsford confirmed that family rental housing was needed statewide and that funding was <br /> currently focused on family housing, adding that affordable homes seemed to be available for <br /> purchase. Ms. Botsford stated that the waiting list for family rental units had gotten so lengthy <br /> that most had been closed down. Mr. Isbitz agreed that it was also the case statewide. <br /> Ms. Botsford stated that the MHA was seeking available land for its next project and noted that <br /> she had met with the Town Manager, Selectman John Calialane and the Town Planner to discuss <br /> available sites. Although interest was expressed in 950 Falmouth Road, Ms. Botsford suggested <br /> that it had been taken off the table for consideration. Other sites were discussed and would be <br /> shared with the MHA Board for farther consideration at next week's meeting. Among the sites <br /> to be considered by the MHA Board included 209 Old Barnstable Road, 147 Lovell's Lane and <br /> 42 Meetinghouse Road. Ms. Botsford inquired whether the AFC wished to work cooperatively. <br /> 2 <br />