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11/17/2011 HOUSING AUTHORITY Minutes
11/17/2011 HOUSING AUTHORITY Minutes
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The meeting was called to order by the chairperson at :off, PM. A quorum was declared with the <br /> following members present: Richard Halpern, Fran Laporte; and Kevin Shackett. Jill Allen and David <br /> Harsch were excused. Also in attendance: Leila Botsford, Executive Director/Board Secretary, Vincent <br /> Gault, Maintenance Superintendent, and Adrienne Danner, Breezy Acres Expansion Project Manager from <br /> HA . <br /> There was no public comment. <br /> The chairperson announced that he would slip ahead to Old Business first. <br /> OLD BUSINESS: <br /> Breezy.Acres Expansion Project: Mrs. Botsford had previously distributed the Breezy Acres Expansion <br /> Monthly Report, dated November 9, 2011 and she stated that Adrlenrne Danner was here tonight to iv <br /> an update and answer questions. Ms. Danner reviewed her.-W" and added that she and Mrs. <br /> Botsford are trying to coordinate a meeting with DHCD to{di u" s the part. f the project that will need to <br /> be publicly bid (the three fisting duplexes being tied into the Waste II at r Treatment System). They <br /> are hoping this meeting will take place soon. Ms' . Danner stated that final plans should be done by mid- <br /> January or beginning of February at the latest and that the expected date th t construction will start is <br /> May 1, 2012. Ms. Danner stated she has a new requisition for CPC funds which she will get to Mrs. <br /> Botsford to submit for approval. Mrs. Botsford asked.if,,HAC had any ideas on ghat could be done with <br /> the existing units to tie thein into the new.units, appearance-wise. Ms. Danner sugge.stud painting, but <br /> this isn't a good option, as the existing units are vinyl-sided. She said she would have tb think Further <br /> about this. Ms. Darner and Mrs. Botsford will b-e going before the CPC to give thea an update on <br /> December 13, Mr. Halpern suggested that updating the Selectmen would be a good idea, as well. The <br /> board thanked Ms. Danner for coring in for a personal report and update. <br /> SECRETARY'S REPORT: <br /> Minutes for the regular meting held on September 8. 2011 were railed to members before the meeting. <br /> motion was made by Mr. Laporte and seconded:by Mr. Shackett to accept the minutes as <br /> presented. The rxtin Was adopted, <br /> TREA U- ER' REPORT: <br /> udgettActual Report; Mrs.. Botsford presented the budget to actual report, prepared by the fee <br /> accountant; a"nd reviewed it with the bo nd, explaining the variances. <br /> Accounts Payables:. Mrs. Botsford presented the warrants for signature. The warrants for signature <br /> tonight are for the months of.lure, July and August 2011 and total as follows: For September: <br /> $31,184.52 for 4001, $6,193.00 for Section 8, $7,.517.00 for MRVP, and $35,156.81 for Asher Fs Path <br /> Apartments. For October: $22,677.14 for 4001, ,996.00 for Section B, 5,5 53.00 for MR1 P, acrd <br /> $31,518.54 for Asher"s Path Apartments. <br /> Rent Delinquencies: Mrs. Botsford reported that we have all rents pard in full at Asher{s Path and <br /> Homeyer Village. We also currently have 100% occupied at Breezy Acres and Homeyer pillage. I had <br /> one vacancy corm available at Ash is Path on November 1 and a new resident should be moving in <br /> soon. I have started the eviction process with the one resident at Breezy Acres who has not paid rent. <br /> Attorney Grace is assisting. A motion was made by Mr. Laporte and seconded by Mr. Shackett t <br /> accept the treasurer's report as presented. The motion was adopted. <br /> EXE LMVE DIRECTOR`S REPORT: <br /> Mrs. Botsford stated that she had mailed her report to the board for the months of September and <br /> October and she added the following as an addendum to her report: <br /> • An energy audit has been conducted at both Hor Byer Village and Breezy Acres. Recently 21 new <br /> refrigerators were the residents, at no cost to the housing authority. We are gaiting <br /> Page 2 of 4 <br />
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