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Board of AssessorsMeeting Page <br /> Progress of upcoming Revaluation (continued) <br /> Vice Chairman CreIg -questioned what the latest quartile <br /> shows . David Bailey informed that there have been no dramatic <br /> changes. Since September, most of Assessing ' swork has been <br /> finding the loose ends and applying them to The Town. H <br /> explained that at present, he and Ms . Susan Col-lum have been <br /> making sure that all the values match up between The Town and the <br /> Sales File. Lengthy discussion followed. <br /> David Bailey informed The Board that Assessing will be <br /> pretty much on the "fast track" this month with the rural data. <br /> He asked Board Members to let him know if they have any matters <br /> for his special attention. <br /> Progress of Renovations to dash ee 'down Hall <br /> David Bailey informed The Board that he has had discussion <br /> about Assessin ' s office space; m6difications have been rade, to <br /> the proposals that he feels he can lure with. <br /> David Bailey further informed The Board about three <br /> proposals under cost analysis and review concerning what <br /> Assessing will do while renovations are taking place. They are <br /> as follows: <br /> 1 . Renovate the new portion of the building; more the <br /> people in there into trailers ; leave Assessing. personnel <br /> and Board Members in the present - office. Then, <br /> Assessing would be moved in about four months to the new <br /> portion; the people there would be moved to the <br /> trailers . <br /> Mr, Bailey stated that he prefers the Number 1 proposal. . <br /> move Assessing personnel and Board Members in-to the <br /> Creat Room while the present Assessing off-ice is under <br /> renovation. <br /> Vice Chairman Greig expressed opinion that the Number <br /> proposal will interfere with the Board of Selectmen; therefore, <br /> the proposal will not work, Mr . Greig stated that he prefers the <br /> Number 1. proposal . <br /> . Moue everyone out of the building; renovations could be <br /> finished two months sooner; - it is the most cost <br /> effective proposal . ` <br />