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ft <br /> Board of Assessors Meeting Page <br /> NEW BUSINESS: <br /> Pro ert Af ected by Pollution - Adverse Publicit <br /> David Bailey introduced the matter of Sampsons Neill <br /> Road area properties that were affected by well water pollution. <br /> He informed Board Members that after Town Meeting, he felt badly <br /> for these Property owners , and drafted a letter to them to offer <br /> any help needed because of the adverse publIcity they feel may <br /> cause a decrease in their property values . He then had second <br /> thoughts because of the many monetary demands they ultimately <br /> made that cane to his attention about obtaining district water. <br /> Nor. Bailey explained that he did nod. send his letter because he <br /> had the feeling these people just wanted to get their water for <br /> nothing. He asked Board Members about their feelings on this <br /> issue and if he should get in touch with these Property owners . <br /> Chairman Greig initiated lengthy discussion. He <br /> inquired where the $250 , 000 cane from, Marcia King informed that 40 <br /> it came from the Vater District. She explaied that the group of ;;k,, <br /> Propety owners demanded everything be paid for in regard to <br /> obtaining district water. She expressed strong feeling they <br /> wanted to get their water for nothing and suggested that David <br /> Bailer not get in the middle of this issue by contacting these <br /> people. Leslie Greig and Kenneth Porten expressed agreement. <br /> Marcia King pointed out the problem in that area will <br /> be resolved once district water is obtained. Mr. Bailey informed <br /> that a nation ride survey showed values of properties affected by <br /> pollution do not decrease in general so long as a plan is in <br /> place yet to be completed; a drop i <br />