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Board of Assessors Meeting Pace 3 <br /> Discussion on flown of Mashpee Sales Band Use Analysis. <br /> Report Dated September 9 , l continued <br /> il.lowBend Land continued <br /> David Bailey informed. that the last time he spoke with <br /> officials at WillowBend, everything seemed to be going full (peed <br /> ahead . . . Paul Fireman wants a golf tournament to take place <br /> soon. Chairman Greig made comment the rumor may be a wish by one <br /> of those who wants to take over New Seabury. M . Bailey <br /> expressed doubt this would happen but he made comment that <br /> anything is possible. <br /> Mr. Bailey explained that he has spent a lot of time <br /> working at WillowBend adjusting all the lots there for <br /> views and access , etc . He has repriced all of the properties ; it <br /> will be a fairly large increase, yet Assessing is still far <br /> behind the market. Last week there was a $155 , 000 sale of a <br /> vacant lot 0 '. and it was a bad lot. Mr. Bailey had ars <br /> appraiser come in with a house that may sell. for $800 ,000 on a <br /> lot that is probably the worst developed on the course . <br /> right across from the seviage treatment plant! ! ` Also, th'er'e has <br /> been an actual sale out there on a house close to $800 , 000 <br /> on a much ricer house than the potential house sale. [upon <br /> question from Mr. Porter, Nix`. Bailey explained that the appraiser <br /> he mentioned may not have had his information correct the <br /> potential house sale has not yet come through, but the $800 ,000 <br /> price was being sought. <br /> Popponesset Island Land values on the Bay_ Side and New <br /> Seabury Bluff Properties to the east of Popponesset Inn and <br /> 'tri. hton Sound have orae up at least 30 - 0 as well . <br /> The SeaSide Property values will have only a slight <br /> increase as well as the Super Prime Properties at the end of <br /> Daniels Island. <br /> David Bailey explained that he has not yet followed <br /> through these changes; he has charted out the land prices on <br /> Daniels Island and Popponesset Island in the areas where there <br /> were no sales to see if these changes make sense relative to the <br /> other properties . <br /> Decreases in Values . Mr. Greig asked if there will be <br /> any decreases in values . Nix'. Bailey informed that he has not <br /> yet decreased values but there will be in thefl category, <br /> Mr. Greig asked if this drop in value is relative to the <br /> Pollution from the plume; Mr, Bailey expressed opinion it is . <br />