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i <br /> i <br /> i <br /> I <br /> be available via GIS. Bob will cheek with Toni Mayo, Assistant Town Planner,to see if <br /> he can help out. Once we get what we can from these two sources, Harvey Fritz <br /> (TRIAD) and Bob will research the rest. Charlie reported the Building Department has <br /> sent out notices that inspections required for renewal of liquor licenses will begin in <br /> September. He noted this provides an opportunity to tie license renewal to compliance <br /> with handicapped parking and access requirements. By starting the inspections now,the <br /> property owners will have sufficient time to take corrective action before their license <br /> expires. Since some of the town buildings and schools are not in compliance with the <br /> regulations,the committee members believe compliance by the town is essential before <br /> enforcing compliance on others. Ira will act on the schools and Charlie will contact <br /> Catherine Laurent, DPW, about other town buildings. <br /> In a light moment during the discussion of signs by Noche Brothers, Charlie mentioned <br /> he was on his way to notify Roche management the fruit,vegetable and flower displays <br /> in front of the store entrances were a violation of building codes. Trish requested Charlie <br /> delay his visit until she could get there to buy peaches before the sale enols today. While <br /> discussing the dangerous traffic situation in front of Roches,Trish suggested raising <br /> funds for the ADA Committee by opening up a store-front legal office in one of the <br /> empty buildings and advertise to handle sults against Roche's and South.Cape village <br /> resulting from injuries suffered by people hit by cars while crossing from the store <br /> entrance to the parking lot. <br /> M rt also mentioned TRIAD is interested in compiling a list of disabled residents. There <br /> are privacy HR PA regulations prohibiting many agencies from providing this <br /> information. It may be best to let the Emergency Planning Committee act as the single <br /> responsible agency for this project. We could assist them be providing data already <br /> compiled by TRIAD and Leisure Services, a questionnaire sent with the annual census, <br /> and articles in the newspaper requesting residents voluntarily provide the information. <br /> Trish reported on a brief meeting of the Planning and Construction on September 5, 2006. <br /> That committee currently is overseeing the renovations of the bathrooms at the Coombs <br /> School,the new Mashpee Chamber of Commerce visitor's Center,planning for the <br /> South Mashpee Fire Station and the new library. The library project still faces major <br /> Funding problems. The state legislature has not yet passed the capital outlay program <br /> from which Mashpee hopes to be awarded a$2.5 million provisional grant. lashpee's <br /> library project is#4 on this list; however,most grants have been stalled as the stag <br /> wrestles with the emergency funding requirements resulting from the"Big Dig" <br /> problems. <br /> Bob reported briefing the Affordable Housing Committee on accessible/visitable housing, <br /> The Affordable Housing Committee recognized the need for such programs and pledged <br /> to question applicants on these issues at every opportunity. They also suggested looking <br /> into incorporating Mese techni <br />