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Conservation Commission <br /> March 10, 1994 <br /> Page 3. <br /> Mr. Sherman stated the deck is over the top of the bank and asked if the house can <br /> be repositioned.? He asked why they have to denude the bank and put In good chips? <br /> The Commission wants a 50 ft. NVB . <br /> Mr. Raymond had discussions with Trico and they would be willing to relocate the <br /> dwelling 14 feet to the right where the garage was proposed and take the deck off <br /> the back and. put It on the side. fir. Sherman asked if that would then give a 50 <br /> ft. buffer strip. He asked if they could move the haybale lime in? Mr. Raymond <br /> agreed they could rove it In 10 feet of the deck. <br /> Mr. Sherman suggested waiting for a revised plan. Mr. Raymond agreed to make <br /> the requested changes on a plan. <br /> Public coments were requested: <br /> V. Louise Behnnan, a resident at 128 Algonquin, stated they are planning to do <br /> good chips on a steep slope; they will not remain there very long. A fibrous <br /> mulch is needed.' A thought that carme to her mind was that the house could be <br /> angled, pulled up closer to the. road, giving more flat space to work with. <br /> Angling would give m6re of a-southern exposure on the deck. <br /> Mr. Raymond. stated the l=i i ting factor is the septic system but+it is a design <br /> consideration. - ' <br /> WNTINIM TO AFRM 710 1994 at 7:10 " <br /> 7:40 DONALD R. MAC LBOD to construct a single 'faa ily dwelling with two decks• <br /> well and water service, 'driveway and ,bsurfa.ce se 7age system at 87 Punkhorn <br /> Point Road. ]have Sanicki presenting. Plans were reviewed.. Abutter notification <br /> receipts were provided, The project is between an isolated wetland and flood <br /> plain and there are existing wells and septic to contend. with. 'They are proposing i <br /> within the 100 foot buffer from the isolated wetland a house with a deck, 3 bedrooms, <br /> and septic system. They are staying out of the flood plain. fork limits will be <br /> one foot above the flood zone.; siltation fences will be used. Drywells gill be <br /> installed for roof run-off. There are some. wetlands on the other side of the <br /> existing access; this is a cocoon driveway that services three existing houses. <br /> "here is a salt marsh on this side. A stone driveway is proposed. Linder the <br /> local wetlands bylaw, construction is prohibited within 50 feet of the isolated <br /> wetland. The house as shown on the plan is about 45 feet. used on conversations <br /> with the agent, he slid the entire house so that the comer of the house Will be <br /> 50 feet away. Revised plans for the movement of the house were presented.. Well, <br /> leaching, etc, , is the same. <br /> Mr, Homeyer asked how the wetland would be protected from intrusion after the <br /> owner moves ire? Mr. Sanicki stated the area is heavily wooded and has briars. <br /> Beyond the pork limit all existing vegetation will remain. <br /> Mr. Homeyer stated it will be written -in the order of Conditions that from the <br /> siltation fence north, there shall be no cutting or grubbing of roots. <br /> Without further application to the commission, Mr. Sanicki agreed, nothing <br /> northerly without further application, <br /> Mr. Johansen asked if application had been made to Matural Heritage. Mr, Sanicki <br /> stated it is not within the area. After review of the maps, it was agreed It is <br /> not, although close. <br /> It was noted the nutrient loading is 4. . <br />