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CONSERVATION COMMISSIO <br /> PAGE Il <br /> 8;10 . i. : Application of Owen Welch Continued <br /> Bob Shermanf-: The common land abutts the salt marsh, and according to the As esor' <br /> Maps It appeared that a lot of the work was In the association plant. What we have <br /> to deal with/ourselves is what you are willing to do for remediation and what you <br /> between <br /> wish to do in the future in terms of maintaining the vegetation in a certain state. <br /> We have discussed some of those issues with you. We cannot come to any firm con- <br /> clusion tonight; we cannot issue any permit, until we have the association tell u <br /> that they would consent to it. We can only talk in general tens tonight. If you <br /> Irish to maintain the vegetation at a certain height as we discussed, 5 or 6 feet, <br /> usually 6 feet, under the guidelines we useof the University of Rhode Islandguide- <br /> lin , what we would also require as we do in these oases is Coastal Management <br /> Resources - <br /> ,the planting of soma-shrubs to compensate for what was taken down, and we would <br /> normally do that by conditioning. I know you worked with Kathy; has there been any <br /> discussion about what shrubs you might like to plant. <br /> Mrs. Welch: 'des, I did considerable work myself and reviewed it with Kathy. Kathy, <br /> you have a colored drawing. We are talking abort a small strip which is off one <br /> corner of our property, where there were principally Oak stumps growing. This is <br /> the area where we were truing these wild Oak stumps of growth, We have agreed <br /> to replant -Juniper., Rosa.,,/and Scotch Broom. <br /> Ro a <br /> Bob Sherman: Juniper and Rosa Ra oza are a goad choice. Scotch Brooms probably 'is <br /> not. Bayberry would be mucin better, but we can discuss that further. As 1 said, I think <br /> we are probably going to <br /> 'have have an f f,ficial representative e7ntati e f the socia t ion. <br /> Elliot Rosenberg: 1f we had something in writing that they join in the application, <br /> BobSherman: leo, they did not come tonight. But I think under these circumstances <br /> the best thing we can do is take testimony and continue. <br /> Elliot; The problem is we cannot issue ars order,' on somebody -else' -property. <br /> Mrs. Welch: We are not even asking that. We are asking to keep our own property <br /> line here, which we have since defined. <br /> .Bob Sherman: Some is on the common land; some is on thein land so we have to have <br /> agreement between the association as to what they would allow on their land and we <br /> have to have their agreement that they agree with this plan. <br /> "first of all, would you be amenable to substituting something else for the Scotch <br /> Broom, which is really not a good wild life habitat? e h <br /> .To p <br /> Bob Sherman: I think the best thing for me to do would be to meet -with Mr. Rintone <br /> t the site. I will try to arrange that. But we will have' to continue this hearing. <br /> Public Comment: <br /> Lee Dubin who lures across the street from the Welch's, I witnessed at least thee <br /> to fie fifteen foot cedars being levelled by the person who was doing the work on <br /> their property. The stumps are stip there if you would like to measure the stings. <br />
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